21. Surprise Surprise

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(Tommy's pov)

"Here we go" I said to myself.

Today's the day when we find out who will be president and vice president. I couldn't sleep much last night I was too nervous, my hands felt clamy and Y/n's absence didn't make didn't make it any better. She's like— the only real protector in L'manberg!  But today, she's gone ghostin'.

I went to Tubbo for solace and so far he's made me feel better. We continued discorcing about the future possibilities for L'manberg and it was then that Tubbo mentioned he dug and built a bunker. I was absolutely baffled at how spacious he's made it.

"Tubbo how— when did you find the time to do all this in the short span of two weeks?!" I demanded to know.

"Actually I didn't do this all myself. While I did most of the work in the day, Y/n helped during the night!" Tubbo expressed and chuckled.

I found it strange, there's always something new I learn about Y/n isn't there?

Does she even sleep?

"Does the woman even sleep?" I voiced my internal question.

"I asked her the same question too but she only told me that she could go weeks without sleep, she didn't add anything else." Tubbo explained. She sounded like she could be a vampire or some mob with the lack of sleep she's getting. Kind of like my brother.

They're so weird...

Tubbo ignored Y/n's strange attribute and proceeded to show me the rest of the bunker. I saw a large chest and found there were many various potions I took some of them as a precaution of safety.

We later found Wilbur and showed him the bunker too. He was just as surprised as I was when I had my first take on it. At the end of the second tour, Wilbur turned to us with a serious look and said,
"Alright boy's, it's time."


This was it, everyone had settled on their seats and sat patiently for this event. I tried looking for Y/n in the crowd but there was no sign of her. I assumed whatever she was doing, someone or something impeded her from arriving on time. Something funny that had occurred was that instead of Y/n making an early appearance, George finally decided to show up.

What a surprise! I thought, he's been found!

"Before we actually begin, I'd like to annouce that there was a voting fraud..." Wilbur annouced. As he explained further, he mentioned that L'manberg consists a population of over two thousand individuals and fraud in question placed one hundred and twenty thousand votes. Pretty big jump in the population I'd say...
"The fraud in question—" Wilbur took a deep breath before looking in Fundy's direction, "—is none other than my own son." Gasps then whispers were heard all around. Even Niki seemed unaware the action had been done.

First the bunker, then there's George and now Fundy with fake votes? That's three surprises in one day! What's next? My dad adopts another kid?

Wilbur decided to carry on when he calmed the boisterous crowd.

"Without further a do, I think we shall truly begin with this historical moment and continue with the election results." Everyone turned to Wilbur, listening intently plus anticipating the results.
"With 9% of the votes, is... fourth place— COCONUT 2020." Despite the fact there was a voting fraud, COCONUT 2020 managed to gain some legitimate votes. Although they didn't win they were happy to hear they were supported.
"With 16% of the votes, coming in third place is SCHLATT 2020." There were a few respectful claps here and there. I sighed in relief knowing that even with Quackity's endorsement it wasn't enough.

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