22. A New Era

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(Tommy's pov)

"Nice to see you too Kid." Y/n's voice said. On queue the potion effect cleared and I was able to see her again. I dropped my sword and ran to her immediately for a hug.

"You came back!" I said smiling with relief. She gently placed her arms around my back as well.
"How are you here— when did you come back?"

"I never left, I was with you the whole time." Y/n said, we stayed there for a second before patting me on my back adding,
"Okay. This has gone long enough and this feels uncomfortable." I unwrapped myself from her, feeling offended.

"Rude." I muttered, I heard Y/n hiss in pain.

"I meant my injury is bringing me discomfort." She pointed out, she had her hand placed back on her abdomen.

"Oh. sorry." I apologized. Y/n then materialized her inventory with her free hand, I didn't try seeking a peek because I knew I couldn't see anything— what things she had and what she didn't. She removed her chestplate making it more accessible for her to lift her shirt. I held in a gasp when I saw Y/n's stomach had a bruise as big as her hand. It was colored with the mix of purples and yellows with a tinge of green.

"It's just a bruise, not a big deal." She said even though she still winced slightly, she walked up to Asher— who also no longer had the effects of the invisibility potion—and grabbed the other healing potion.

"Maybe not for you but while you went on fighting— I just ran... like a coward." I looked down to my feet, I felt so weak at that moment. I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Tommy listen, if you hadn't gotten away from them you wouldn't have been able to save Wilbur." I looked back up at Y/n.
"I mean you did save Wilbur in time did you not?" She asked smiling and gesturing a hand towards a sleeping Wilbur who was as still as a log on the cold hard floor. I couldn't help but let out a stiffled laugh.

"Yeah well I guess I am pretty great huh?" I say, feeling more confident. Y/n shook her head yet still smiling.
"Besides that, I am willing to take a hit or two for you if it means saving you." She walked over to Wilbur, crouching to inspect him more closely before speaking in a low voice to not disturb Wil's slumber.

"I see you ripped off part of your uniform to stop the bleeding and assuming you were still in a panic state— you didn't realize earlier that Asher had healing potions in his saddle bag." Y/n theorized.

"You just gotta brag how sharp you are don't you?" I blurt.

"I'm just trying to make sense of your situation that happened earlier Tommy." Y/n sighed,
"I'll be returning back to L'manberg tomorrow to check up on what's happening now that Schlatt has taken over."

"You can't do that— won't they be after you too?" I worried.

"It's possible. Even though I was invisible, I know some are smart enough to recognize that it was me." Y/n said.

One question remained, something that has been on my mind since I introduced Y/n to Schlatt.

"You knew something would happen, you helped us— you helped with our campaign and Niki and Fundy's campaign because you knew something. You made an entire bunker with Tubbo in case we didn't win." I stated as Y/n only listened.
"And when I brought you face to face with Schlatt you acted all weird." I paused.
"Did you... know who Schlatt was before I introduced you two?" I hoped for an answer, and even while Y/n's mask covered half of her face, I could still make out that she felt guilty of something.

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