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- Next Stop... Loguetown -

         Nami was unable to hide the discomfort when Diana boarded. Not only was her alignment with Wonderland not wanted, but her visible siren tail left them suspicious of her purpose in saving them. Of course being stuck with fishmen for the better part of her life, she had heard story of siren's and their precious songs. Most often, she heard Arlong screaming about how a stray one had robbed him blind or she even saw some of the Arlong Pirates wash up near the Canomi Islands with their ears, eyes and nostrils bleeding as if something had exploded beneath their skin.

Cheshire slapped the orange haired girl's shoulder. "Stop staring! Diana means well," she assured before facing the White Rabbit again as the animal cleaned her permanent grin. "She wouldn't have taken out all those crows if she was a spy."

Between the group, they had managed to take out every single crow as they drifted further and further. Usopp continued to shoot down any stray birds that were caught following his accuracy rather impressive from the crow's nest.

Stood protectively over her shoulder, arms folded, Zoro ignored the exclamation and continued to watch as Diana vigorously tried to dry her tail. She had came with very little, nothing but her trident and a small backpack accompanying her when she climbed aboard. It was a hurried departure from the Looking Glass.

Luffy practically danced around Diana. "You're like Nina! You're just like Nina! Oh my god, this is so cool," he rambled on and on. He spoke breathlessly, listing obvious similarities between Diana and his beloved mentor from years past.

Diana eyed him carefully as he continued to bounce back and fourth, explaining excitedly to Sanji how "cool" sirens were. There was no way this was the kid Shanks bet his arm on... but there the straw hat was, the one that adjourned many of his wanted posters before she met him.

"Can you sing? Do you have a song like Nina? She said every siren has a unique song they sing!"

Shanks and Nina really hadn't undersold Luffy's enthusiasm.

His next question made Diana gulp. "I, uh..."

"You should join my crew, we still need a musician and what better then a siren!"

"You're... you're not scared?" Diana stammered, tilting her head up at the younger boy who's brows furrowed. Luffy shook his head, the denial only increasing the girl's uneasy confusion.

He blinked. "Why would I be?" his question was from a place of genuine uncertainty. "Sirens are awesome!"

"Hey, uh, so... the ship took some damage from Mad Hatter's canons and one of the sails is ripped from those birds," Usopp listed as he cautiously approached his captain, purposely placing himself behind Luffy as he eyed Diana. The Going Merry's injury was heard as the ripped flag fluttered violently in the ocean breeze. "We might need to dock soon so I can fix the sail."

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