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- Repayment -

As much as the moment with Zoro plagued not just her mind but also her heart, Cheshire couldn't forget the conversation she desperately needed to have with Luffy. She thought it to be a vital discussion that should help fix any trust that was broken because of her secret and yet Luffy seemed as easygoing as ever.

When she returned to the deck of the Going Merry, she found the boy in question leaping every which way. He was practically exploding with excitement whilst Usopp did all the work, dragging the supplies Baratie was generous enough to offer up the ladder and to storage.

White Rabbit... tried.

His paws scuffled against the wooden deck as he tried to push a small barrel of meat along with Usopp. He pressed his back against the barrel, holding his breath as he tried desperately to get it to move even an inch.

It was suddenly lifted from behind him.

White Rabbit fell to the floor with a huff, sitting up to find Cheshire standing over him, holding the small barrel between her palms.

"There you are! I need help. I kind of fell asleep and woke up to Nami being apart of the Arlong Pirates?" he cried out, pulling at his ears as he typically did, the stress vivid in his red eyes. "Like, where did that come from? And you tried to trade yourself instead of the map to the Grand Line? And Zoro's awake? And..."

"A lot's happened," Cheshire answered simply, her eyes wondering the dock to find Zoro rested against one of the guard railings of the ship. He spoke quietly to Luffy, the boy still jumping on the balls of his feet, that stupid grin permanently glued upon his face.

At her feet, White Rabbit tilted her head, following Cheshire's eye line. His eyes squinted and he tugged on her pant leg. "What's that mean? And why are you staring at Zoro like that?"

Cheshire shook her head, inwardly groaning at herself. Probably better to not be staring, no matter how... attractive... the pirate hunter may be. She swallowed slowly, nudging White Rabbit with her foot as the animal snickered quietly at the embarrassment.

"Lot of dried meat in these barrels. You think we brought too much?" Usopp exhaled a huff as he dumped another barrel onto the deck, it's contents rustling quietly within the confines.

"You know who you're sailing with?" Zoro answered, jutting his chin to direct Usopp's eyes to where Luffy hug from the sails, readying them for the waves that they would meet on the open seas.

Usopp pursed his lips. "Yeah..."

"I think we need more," Cheshire added, folding her arms over her chest as she joined the guys. Her eyes casted over the collection of food barrels, recalling how easily Luffy had inhaled the entire Baratie menu. "He'll practically inhale this the first chance he gets."

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