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- Syrup Village -

Days on the open water went by painfully slow. The day was always excruciatingly hot with the nights becoming completely bone chilling. The crew's little boat was struggling against the wild waters, rocking loudly and dangerously with each incoming set of waves. All around, it was just open sea and Cheshire was wondering if she had gone insane. If in the end, Buggy killed her and handed her over to Mad Hatter with her crippled body wrapped in a gift box and that this was her final torment.

With an irritated sigh and her back facing the ship, Cheshire peeled back her mask. Her face twisted with disgust as she tenderly grazed a finger over the dried blood drenching the material. Not to mention the smell that was radiating off it. Luckily, the sweet scent of the sea was a good way to hide the stench of blood.

"Hey, Nami, Cheshire," Luffy called.

With a pair of reading glasses perched atop her nose, Nami looked up to the young boy with a deep frown "What?" she spat with disinterest.

Cheshire hurried to return her mask to her horrific face, the rest of her body sweating painfully as she glanced back at Luffy.

Luffy jogged over to the girls, clutching a large sheet. He held it up with a grin. "It's ready!"

The masked woman tilted her head at the crooked Jolly Rodger, the middle of the skull jutted oddly to the left whilst it wore an obvious straw hat on top of its head. It was definitely unique compared to the other flags donning towering pirate ships across the ocean.

Nami blinked. "And what is it?"

"Our Jolly Roger," Luffy grinned proudly. "Every pirate crew has to have one. And now we do!"

"We're not a crew, and you are not hanging that on my ship."

Luffy opened his mouth to reply when a sleeping White Rabbit let out a loud snore, interrupting the boy. Lazing by Cheshire feet, he laid on his back, scratching his stomach every once in a while before his paws twitched as he dreamt.

Luffy turned at the sound of the cabin door open. "Zoro! Zoro, check it out!" he waved the flag in front of the swordsman who squinted his eyes at the design.

He glanced at Luffy's excited expression. "That's unique," he said bluntly. "Nami, I think the toilet's busted."

The orange haired girl looked up from the map with furrowed brows. "We don't have a toilet."

"Oh. Well, then something back there's leaking."

Nami was on her feet in an instant, dashing into the cabin and slamming the door shut behind her. They could hear the girl muttering to herself in a panic as she examined the damage.

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