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- Betrayal -

Arlong was a terrifying figure. He was a large, strong, fang bearing fishman who spoke with a voice that made it seem as if he saw himself as the superior creature no matter what room he entered. If she wasn't familiar with Mad Hatter, Cheshire would've considered him to be the scariest pirate she had ever faced.

Loading her bow, she quietly wished that Zoro was awake to help her fight close combat. For now, she'd have to stick with what she knew well enough to be on her lonesome.

The tension in Baratie was thick with panic and fear, the munching of fishmen enjoying an undeserved meal sending a shuddering through Cheshire. The blonde couldn't help but linger in the shadows of Sanji and Luffy, the latter looking way to confident in himself considering the bounty Arlong held. Usopp shared the girl's hesitance, wiping his sweating hands against his thighs as he swallowed in a panic.

As they entered, they found the pirate Captain threatening innocent customers looking to just have a moment of peace despite how they had been rudely interrupted. Arlong gloated about how he saw himself to be superior to the humans in "every single way". Luffy wasn't fazed by the set of obnoxious teeth protruding from Arlong's sawfish snout or the large fin that had ripped through the back of his Hawaiian jacket.

"Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy announced, his gaze moving through the worried crowds to find the fishmen who didn't pay him a second thought initially.

With a hand still looped through the collar of a suited man's jacket, Arlong hissed; "who is asking?"

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I hear you're looking for me," Luffy announced.

Finally, Arlong let go of the man, turning his looming posture to glance up at the balcony. "Why, yes, I am," he smirked triumphantly, glancing over Luffy as if he was a mere ant. "So this is the pirate I've heard so much about? You know, I was expecting someone... bigger."

As they moved down the spiralling staircase, Luffy showed a goofy grin. "So was I."

Arlong paused in his pacing, a dark glare falling through his eyes. "Do you know who I am, boy? I'm Arlong the Saw. Even the Marines glee before my flag."

Luffy's nonchalant attitude was worrying when face with the dangers of the Arlong Pirates and the capability of murdering each and every member of the crew possessed. And yet, he never saw it like that as he kept a grin, shrugging innocently at the very obvious threat underlying Arlong's words.

"Not ringing a bell. How'd you find me anyway?"

Arlong showed a large toothy grin, a low chuckle that shuddered through Cheshire's body escaping his throat. He clicked his tongue. "An old friend helped me track you down."

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