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CHAPTER FIVE- Pirate Hunter -

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- Pirate Hunter -

          "Breaking into the Marine base? Are you insane!?" White Rabbit was frantically trying to hide Cheshire's equipment to distract her from her outlandish plan. He was throwing arrows every which way, leaving her clothes scattered over the floor and had her bow clutched between his paws. "I thought we were running away from Mad Hatter to be safe. Running into Axe-Hand Morgan's Marine base is a recipe for disaster!"

Cheshire nodded slowly. "Yeah, but... the One Piece could be our ticket out of here," she insisted, struggling into her tunic and leggings. She had been able to peel back the seaweed Luffy laid over her wound and place an actual bandage over the top. But whoever Nini was and whatever she had told the boys about seaweed was correct. "No one will wanna mess with us if we can get to the Grand Line."

"The Grand Line is deadly, Cheshire!" White Rabbit exclaimed, grabbing onto Cheshire's cloak and digging his paws into the cement floor of their hide out. "There's way worse pirates waiting there then Mad Hatter ever was!"

He yelped as Cheshire pulled her cloak from his paws, slinging it over her shoulders and adjusting over her sleeved arms.

Placing his paws folded over his chest, the White Rabbit stared at Cheshire as if she was committing a horrific crime. "What's your plan on even getting this map? You can't just walk into the base with no problem."

"I'll use the vents," Cheshire shrugged, plucking her bow from the floor and finally finishing filling her quiver. "There's an underground sewer system that runs beneath the base and goes through practically every room. It'll give me an in, and from there I'll use the vents to weave through the rooms. Besides, what security measure include checking the vents." She clipped her quiver together and threw it over her shoulder, shrugging to herself as she continued: "And plus, we know my shortness is one of my advantages."

White Rabbit frowned at the tone she took, reminiscing on how effective her height was for thievery when with their old crew. Mad Hatter's voice rang in the rabbit's head. "She's small, makes it easier for us to get into places. Like a cat sneaking through the smallest of openings."

Cheshire watched her friend shudder. "There's no need to be worried. I'll be in and out." She wasn't entirely sure if she was convincing herself of her safety or the White Rabbit. "Plus, do you really think any of the Marines could follow me through such a confined space."

White Rabbit turned away, mumbling to himself incoherently. Something along the lines of how stupid of a plan this was. "Just come back for me before you sail off into the sunset."

"Of course. I wouldn't ever leave you behind." She reached down and scratched between his ears, watching him melt into her touch with his foot thumping excitedly.

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