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- Life or Death -

Sanji was an incredible chef. He knew his way around the kitchen, his cooking being so good that Cheshire couldn't help but moan in delight at the tastes that flooded her tongue. Luffy was stood with his back to her, arms folded as he leant against the table, Sanji and Diana having gone outside to share another smoke. It seemed that wherever Diana went, Sanji followed her like a lost puppy seeking comfort.

"I don't think I've ever tasted anything this good!" Cheshire cried out, dragging a finger through the sauce surrounding the half eaten meat that was cooked to perfection.

"Right! He's amazing!" Luffy agreed with a short and excited hop. He was watching Diana and Sanji as they leant against the balcony sharing stories to one another as if they were friends for years. Cheshire trusted he'd keep his back to her and give her the privacy she desired. "We could use a cook on the crew. Do you think he'd join?"

"I don't care. Please make him join," Cheshire sighed, leaning back in her seat with her permanent grin being genuine. "I can't go back to crackers, burnt beans and rice after this."

"I offered him a spot," Luffy told his friend, scratching the side of his cheek as he thought. "I really hope he agrees. He'd fit in perfectly."

As Cheshire dabbed her mouth clean, she grabbed her mask and looped it over her ears. "You can turn back around."

Luffy was quick to oblige, sliding into the seat next to Cheshire and leaning forward as if he had the biggest secret in the world to tell her. "So, how do you know that Diana girl?" he dragged a finger over Cheshire's finished meal, licking the sauce with a smirk.

"We grew up together," Cheshire explained. "I guess in a way she was my Nini."

Luffy nodded, the connection clear in his mind and the mention of his old mother figure bringing a light to his eye that nothing else could. "Does she know the White Rabbit?"

Cheshire hesitated, parting her lips to answer before she froze. But then she reminded herself that Luffy wasn't aware of Wonderland's crimes, and at the moment she was certain he didn't know Diana was the Duchess of Wonderland.

"Yeah, she does. She looked after us for a very long time," Cheshire confirmed with a nod. She sighed at the thought of the sudden memories running through her mind, and the joy that came with it relaxing the usually tense and panicked girl.

Luffy noticed this. "You seem really comfortable around her," he observed, head tilting for a moment as he thought over the last week they spent together. "I think I've only seen you like this with Zoro."

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