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- Family Line -

Diana wanted so badly to hate him. She would like nothing more then to push him out of her life and never turn back, but it just wasn't that simple. She was too reliant on him and his reputation that if she were to cut him out, Diana was certain she might end up washed up on the shoreline, lifeless. It was the only way to ensure she would be safe returning home.

As the boat's engine purred delicately against the ocean waves, Diana sat cross legged on the edge with a hand extended to let the water wash past her fingers. With a ship made to only hold a single person, the blonde guest was forced to make herself as small as possible on the edge, leaning dangerously close to the rushing waves that crashed past them. She could feel the deadly glare of the Warlord watching the back of her head, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up with a sense of nervousness overcoming her thinning figure.

"You look sick," Mihawk observed.

The first thing he had said since they departed and of course it was an insult, right?

"I'm fine," Diana replied dryly, knowing deep down he was right. Scarring and bandaged wound aside, she was scarily thin, her body burnt in some areas whereas extremely pale in others, eyes looking a permanent red when you really focused. Gone was the tall, independent and stubborn little girl that was left on his doorstep. Left behind was a hollow shell of who she once was, someone blindly following orders just to get from one meal to the next. To ensure she could keep her voice, whether it worked or not.

"How's training going?" Mihawk decided to ask, the awkward conversation starter making Diana roll her eyes.

"I still can't use my Siren Song if that's what you mean," the blonde huffed out, resting her elbow on her leg, hand catching her chin in the palm with her eyes watching the horizon. "Everything else I excel at."

"That much I expected." He paused, pondering for a moment before adding; "Nina said your song will take time to develop."

Diana wasn't entirely certain, but she thought she heard a hint of proudness in his tone, breaking through the harsh exterior of the Warlord. She glanced back, her tired eyes meeting his, reminding him of that small child that was left on his island without warning.

"You know, when Shanks dropped you off, I was close to throwing you in the sea," Mihawk suddenly stated, making the Duchess roll her eyes. There he was, the tough love mentor she was forced to have in her upbringing. "But I decided against doing so. You had potential that far exceeds that of what Wonderland offers."

Diana felt the strain on her eyes as she rolled them for the tenth time since Mihawk showed up. Always about potential, becoming the best, never anything less.

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