Chapter 15

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(Yato's POV)

I hadn't seen Hiyori for two days now. Last time I saw her was after her father's funeral, and even then she barely glanced at me, just to see who I was. I could understand she needed her time to accept everything that had happened, but..but I couldn't stay away. I wanted to see her. To hug her. To hold her. To feel her. I was missing her so much it was becoming unbearable.

My thoughts were buzzing in my brain for many minutes while I was walking in the park I always found her at, with my hands in the pockets of my jersey and while looking at the ground. I had reached the middle of the bridge when suddenly, I saw her.

She was standing right there, her beauty filling my eyes. Her hair tied back in a ponytail and her bangs gently covering her forehead. Her purple eyes dark, with black circles under them, glaring at the ground. Dressed up in a black long sleeved shirt, black jeans and sneakers, she was making her way towards my direction with a couple of grocery bags on her hands. She lifted her eyes and, when her gaze met mine, she seemed surprised and stopped. I approached her with a serious look on my face, without taking my hands out of my pockets. We stood face to face, in the middle of the bridge, while the warm wind blew softly, dropping some petals on the water's surface and taking my hair away from my eyes.

"Hiyori..where have you been?", I decided to start. She stared at me with a very discouraging look, and a frown on her face.

"Home..I didn't go outside at all." She sounded as fragile as ever.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem very weak...Have you been eating?" I tried to hold her from the shoulders but she pulled herself, looked away at the trees and bit her bottom lip.


"Yato, I.." She looked at the ground.

"I don't want to stay with you anymore", she announced me.

"Wha- what are you talking ab-"

"Listen to me..ever since you decided to help me, you've only been getting in more and more trouble. I'm dragging you into everything, and I am being a burden to you. You have been carrying my problems on your shoulders for quite a while now..and I'm sorry for that. It won't happen again." She looked at me deep inside my eyes.

"This was a very hard decision for me to make..but I love you..and it's because I love you that I cannot allow myself to hurt you anymore." She gently touched my left cheek with her hand, kissed me on the lips and whispered in my ear:

"I'm sorry...this is goodbye..I love you." I saw her watery eyes as she quickly passed by me and started walking away. I could hear her silently crying as I turned around to watch her leave, unable to do anything for her this time.

A few hours later I was at Kofuku's, explaining to her, Yukine, Kazuma and Bishamon everything Hiyori told me at the bridge.

"Hiyori..why would she say something like that?" Yukine mumbled with sad eyes, staring at the ground.

"And I had started to like her..", Bishamon said, while looking away.

Kazuma glared at me. "Are you sure there isn't any sort of hidden meaning behind this?"

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Kazuma is right", Kofuku interrupted. "Hiyori could have said that to cover something else up. She has said before that she didn't want to cut ties with you, so doing it now doesn't make any sense.."

"Besides, you had a special bond, didn't you?" Bishamon commented. "I agree with Kofuku. I too believe she is covering something up. I think we have to look at the details we missed.."

A few seconds of deafening silence had filled the room, when it suddenly hit me. I abruptly got up and started running out of the house and to the street.

"Y-Yato, wait!" Yukine shouted and started running behind me. He caught up soon.

"What happened? Did you figure something out?"

"I only hope I am mistaken.." I answered, and in the thought of my guess, my hands felt cold and I started running at full speed. I heard Yukine yelling, he couldn't catch up, but I didn't care. I had to get to Hiyori's immediately.

When I got there out of breath, I kicked the front door open and busted in the house. Nobody was around. I tossed my jersey and my scarf to the side.

"Hiyori!!" My scream echoed in the silence, reaching even the furthest spot of the house. No answer.

"Hiyori!!!!!" My heart was beating fast and cold sweat covered my skin, as I quickly ran upstairs to find her.

I opened every single door, I looked in every room, one after another. She was nowhere to be found. When I was about to lose faith and go search elsewhere, I turned around only to see blood coming out under the closed bathroom's door, and I felt like an electric wave had just passed through my body. I tried to open it, it was locked. I made a 'tch' sound and threw myself on it with my shoulder, using all the power I had.




On the third time, I hit it harder and the lock broke, allowing me to open the door, while I also got a few bruises on my shoulder -it was the last thing I cared about.

I felt like I lost the earth under my feet at the sight, and tears started filling my eyes, as my heart shattered in a million pieces. I was terrified to know that my guess had just been confirmed.


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