Towards the End

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Bullets zipped through the air, finding their marks on wooden crates or sparking against metal surfaces. Team Shadow, swiftly moved in. They maneuvered with practiced expertise, taking cover behind crates and pillars. Smoke grenades erupted, the warehouse became a battleground. Jeongyeon managed to isolate Nayeon to safety. 

"Please be careful." Nayeon whispered as she let Jeongyeon leave her in the dark corner. 

Jeongyeon nodded at Nayeon, her expression determined yet clear with concern. "I'll be back for you. Stay low and stay hidden," she instructed softly before slipping away, her movements swift and silent in the chaos of the smoke-filled warehouse.

The scent of smoke stung Jeongyeon's nostrils as she navigated through it, her senses on high alert.  Jeongyeon darted from cover to cover, her focus solely on Kwan. She needed him dead at any cost. 

 She spotted glimpses of Kwan's distinctive figure. Jeongyeon's heart raced as she closed the distance, careful to remain concealed, her instincts finely tuned to anticipate his movements. Kwan's orders echoed through the warehouse, directing his soldiers with precision. Jeongyeon watched, biding her time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and capture him.

Her focus was unwavering as she lunged towards Kwan, aiming to disarm and restrain him. However, the unexpected clatter of falling crates diverted his attention just in time. Kwan swiftly turned, catching a glimpse of Jeongyeon before evading her grasp and retreating deeper into the chaos. 

Determined not to let him slip away, Jeongyeon pursued, her determination driving her forward. She dodged incoming fire and navigated through the maze of obstacles, relentlessly pursuing Kwan, determined to apprehend him before it was too late.

As the battle raged on, team shadow fought courageously. They displayed exceptional skill and unity. Team Shadow held their ground successfully. One by one Kwan's men started losing the battle.

Bullets zipped past Jeongyeon as she dodged and weaved through the maze of crates and machinery, her focus solely on closing the distance between her and Commander Kwan.

Jeongyeon, managed to close the distance, her breaths heavy amidst the chaos as she finally caught up to Commander Kwan.  

Kwan turned, his expression a mix of surprise and determination as he faced Jeongyeon, their eyes locking in a tense moment. 

Kwan, realizing he was cornered, assessed Jeongyeon.  His hand hovered near his sidearm, his expression focused. 

"Kwan, it's over." Jeongyeon's voice cut through the chaos, firm and resolute.

Kwan's gaze narrowed, "You think this is the end?" he replied. "This is bigger than you can imagine."

Jeongyeon remained calm. "That doesn't matter now. Surrender peacefully, and we'll let you live." 

"You have no idea what you're dealing with." Kwan rebutted.

 "Your threats won't change the outcome." Jeongyeon remained steady.

"You can't touch me. I am the Commander of the military of this country. What do you have against me?"  

 "The law applies to everyone, regardless of position or power. Your actions have consequences, Commander. You're accountable for your crimes."

 "You think you have evidence against me? You can't touch me without proof," his tone filled with arrogance.

"What if I told you I have enough evidence to get you killed?" Jeongyeon smirked challengingly.

"You wouldn't. What did you think I wouldn't know about your little plan with sweet Yeri? I had to kill her and of course your friend, Robert." Kwan shrugged casually.

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