Saving the Enemy 2

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The first step seemed to be easy for Jeongyeon. She managed to look around for any troubles as she made few more steps. She signalled Bambam to follow slowly. With a gun held closer to her Jeongyeon walked down the stairs carefully.

When they reached the middle, Jeongyeon looked down and saw four men in the room trying to get rid of the smoke. Two men were laying on the floor rolling with eyes closed. The smoke had cleared a bit and surroundings can be seen clearly.

"Someone is here. Look at this box. Someone burned it and put it in front of the fan." One of the guys standing next to the fan said to the other. Everyone frantically looked at one another.

"Let's check upstairs." Another man said and two of the men turned towards the stairs. Jeongyeon quickly grabbed the railings jumped from the stairs and kicked the man in the front. He stumbled back and fell on top of the guy behind him. The commotion got the attention of the remaining men in the room. Jeongyeon pulled out her gun before they could react and shot one in the head, killing him instantly.

The two men who fell down got up and pulled out their guns. Jeongyeon shot them on the shoulder and leg. Another gun fired and Jeongyeon couldn't react on time. It hit her bicep and she groaned in pain. Looking at the direction of the shot she saw two men had walked inside through the door.

All of a sudden multiple shorts were fired and Jeongyeon had to take a cover above the stairs which hid them from the plain view. Bambam pulled Jeongyeon next to him.

"Shit, Jeong... You okay ?" He asked concerned.

"Yes I am. Don't worry. We need to get out of here. Do we have enough ammo?" She asked.

"Not sure. We probably should call back up." Bambam suggested.

"Yeah we should." Jeongyeon replied as she pulled her phone out and dialled. A ring later the phone was picked up." Wilson..back me up." She said and disconnected the call.

Jeongyeon fired her gun at the first man that came through the stairs, straight on his head. He fell back on the rest of the men. Jeongyeon got into combat mode and kicked and broke bones of multiple. Even before they could react she snatched their guns and snapped their neck. Out of four men 3 of them were already dead, two injured. She knew more will be coming.

The only man left inside the building started shouting for help. A second later more gunshots can be heard outside the warehouse. Jeongyeon smiled.

" kill her..." The one man left, yelled at Robert who walked through the door. Robert cocked his gun and shot his head. He then proceeded to shoot the two injured and shocked men looking at him.

"Took you long enough." Jeongyeon commented and Robert smiled.

"It's been a pleasure." Robert replied and hugged Jeongyeon. Bambam came down with Minhyuk on his shoulder.

They walked through the dead bodies scattered inside and outside of the warehouse.

"Wanna pull out the bullet?" Robert asked gesturing towards the bullet etched on Jeongyeon's bicep.

"Nah...we need to get him to the hospital anyway. Kwan would have known by now. You need to leave Wilson." Jeongyeon said to Robert.

"I know. I am sorry for everything. " He said.

"I know you are sorry and you are forgiven." Jeongyeon stated.

"How can you forgive me Jeongyeon? I killed her. " Robert felt his heart breaking as he admit the truth.

"But you didn't. It's not your gun that fired that day. Why do you think I went after Kwan all these years? You stood for the wrong man Robert. I hope you understand now. Don't cross me when I try to kill him again. He is not worth saving. So just leave before it's too late. Go to your son. He needs you." Jeongyeon replied seriously.

Robert stood there shocked but he nodded and helped them into the truck parked outside. Bambam quickly drove out of the warehouse with an injured Jeongyeon and an unconscious Minhyuk.

Robert couldn't believe what he heard. All these years he though he killed Somi. He thought his gun fired accidentally killing Somi but he wasn't the one who shot her. There was another shooter inside the building. Was Kwan who killed Somi? But why? What did she do to him? There were unanswered questions inside Robert's head but it's not time to think of those. He needed to get out of this place before anyone finds out. He knew Kwan had eyes everywhere. Quickly Robert vanished inside with cans of fuel, pouring it all over the warehouse. He burned it down before escaping.


"Hello Im Nayeon speaking." Nayeon picked up her phone after it rang for the second time that evening.

"Hey Nayeon, it's Taehyung. I just want to inform you that Jeongyeon won't be there tomorrow for work. I will have Ryujin cover her shift. So let me know if there is any change in schedule." Taehyung informed her.

"What happened to Jeongyeon?" She asked worried

"Umm.....she is's nothing...just a flu." Taehyung added trying to sound as natural as possible.

Nayeon felt the lie right through.

"Agent Taehyung. Take me to Jeongyeon. It's an order." Nayeon simply replied and disconnected the call.

Taehyung gulped scared. He fucked up. Nayeon would kill him if he didn't take her to Jeongyeon. And Jeongyeon would chopp him into pieces if he took Nayeon to see her. Taehyung pocketed the phone and drove the car towards Im residence praying for Nayeon to change her mind by the time he reached there.

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