The Villains

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" asked to meet me." Minhyuk entered the large office room in his tailored suit.

He was greeted by the guards on either side of the door. The office was big. It was completely furnished with good quality wood. The interior was exceptional, and it screamed mafia.

An elderly man in his 60s sat on the big leather chair behind an Oak table. He had gold rimmed aviator glasses. He wore a designer burgundy suit with grey vest and black shirt. His hair was died black. He didn't look as old as it seemed for his age. He lit his cigar and held it in the corner of his mouth. His Rolex watch shined bright.

"You didn't bring me any good news so far." His face showed disappointment towards his son.

"I took her to another doctor a week ago." Minhyuk replied hesitantly. 

"That's not enough and besides you have been to what... five doctors already?" Mr. Eric Mun, Minhyuk father stood up from the chair. He walked around puffing out smoke from the cigar and eyed Minhyuk curiously.

"Yes. But,they all say the same thing. I am not sure what to do anymore. It's frustrating." Minhyuk dragged an office chair and sat on it angrily. He rubbed his hands together in frustration,

"Kill her." A blonde haired man entered the room quickly providing a solution.

"Are you dumb Kai?" Minhyuk sneered.

"C'mon, she is of no use." Kai added sitting on another chair next to his brother.

"No use...." Minhyuk moved closer to his brothers face and spat out angrily.

"She is the key to our fortune you dumb head." Minhyuk sat back shaking his head at his brother's stupidity.

"How's that going so far?" Mr. Mun asked ignoring the banter between the brothers.

"So far my precious father in laws hasn't given me anything to suspect. But he seems changed." Minhyuk said thinking.

"How so?" Mun ask d curious.

"Well, I heard a news that he met with the lawyers a few days ago."

"Really? Is the business facing any issues?" Mun pondered.

"I don't think so. So far it's making good profit."

"And how's our business?" Mr. Mun sat back in his chair to look at his son.

"You know I will not let you down when it comes to business. We got new deals in the west. Don't worry I am covering it up pretty well." Minhyuk added to avoid any chance of doubt.

"Good. Check with the lawyer's office and see what he went there for. And get me a grandson Minhyuk. Then only our plan will workout." Mr. Mun added and waved them off.

Minhyuk nodded and walked out the door followed by Kai.

"Bro you really hitting it right or what?" Kai asked out of nowhere making Minhyuk snap his head.

"What the fuck did you say?" Minhyuk gritted out looking at his brother.

"I mean five years is a long time bro. Tell me if you are tired. I could always...." Kai grunted as his back touched the wall. Minhyuk stood with his arm on Kai's throat ready to squeeze the life out of him.

"Test me again and I won't hesitate to kill you Kai." He squeezed Kai's windpipe for a good minute.

"Cut it out boys." A female voice boomed in the hallway.

They both looked to the side and saw their sister Yeri walking towards them.

Minhyuk stood up straight leaving his brother choking on his on saliva. Yeri pulled Kai to his feet and fixed his t-shirt.

Minhyuk wiped his hands over his mouth and breathed hard. Kai shrugged off from Yeri's hold and walked away scowling at his brother.

"You need to relax." Yeri reminded Minhyuk.

"Relax my ass." Minhyuk responded.

"He isn't entirely wrong you know. " Yeri earned a glare from her brother.

"Don't look at me like that. I may not be a doctor but, maybe you gotta change your method. You know try something different around the bedroom." Yeri suggested carefully.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that I am incompetent?" Minhyuk is agitated.

"Calm down...geez. I didn't say nothing sort of that. I am just suggesting to change the direct approach. She maybe filthy rich or a spoiled brat, but she is a woman and a woman would do anything for a man who would swoon over her." Yeri said and watched her brother's expression. When she realised the tables turn in Minhyuk's head she added." Maybe you can take her out on a date and do all those mushy stuff people in love do. I mean it's worth a shot."

There was a brief moment of silence. Yeri observed her brother. He was thinking, which is a good sign.

"What should I do?" Minhyuk decided to break the silence by asking. Yeri smiled wickedly. Finally she have a chance to prove herself.

Mr. Mun sat in his office thinking for a while. He did trust his children but he felt like they are slowing his plan down. After his father died he took over the gang. He was successfully running his smuggling business behind IM Corporation for years. He gave the greedy Mr. Im large sum of profits to accommodate for the crime. He eliminated anything and everything that came his way. But couple of years later he had a setback. It started when few of his trucks containing million dollar worth of drugs went missing. 

10 years ago one of his warehouses overseas got attacked by a military team. Luckily he was able get the information on time, thanks to the corrupted politicians. A military officer was killed during the attack and another one injured. They retreated from the mission leading Mun to succeed. But what he didn't know was that it was the end of his gang rule over the city.

The next five years, one by one all the people who supported him were found dead or lost. From the leading politicians to military leaders who he have shared his dirty money ended up dead. He suspected a counter attack from the previous one, but he found nothing leading to that conclusion. The operation was highly classified . Either the team names or the members details were disclosed. Every attempt he made to uncover the identities of the people involved in this massive killing were hidden deep.

Mun couldn't run his business in the daylight. He depended on IM Corporation for survival. Luckily Mr. Im was an incompetent man who trusted him dearly. It was easy to manipulate him. But Mun didn't trust anyone. When Mr.Im's wife was diagnosed with cancer, he saw changes in the man. Not to mention the anonymous lover in his daughter's life being a part of the military scared him. He was able to break the relationship between Nayeon and her lover by manipulating Mr. Im, even though he didn't know who the lover was. Mun wanted to secure his place in IM Corporation, and he found the perfect way to do it by adding his son Minhyuk as a part of the Im family. Nayeon resisted but Mr. Im emotionally blackmailed her with Mrs. Im's medical condition. 

Mun thought he succeeded when the marriage did happen, but his calculations were gone wrong again when his son wasn't able to produce a heir. All the wealth of IM Corporation belonged to Nayeon and the children born to her. Minhyuk would only get 45% of the total wealth which was their part of the partnership.

Mun wanted it all. He wanted to restart his gang and build his legacy in the town. He can only do it if he had more money. He thought Minhyuk could handle it but seeing the way things were he desperately need to take control of the situation. 

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