Dear Father in Law

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Erin Mun walked inside Nayeon's office later that day. His head held high. Everyone was intimidated by him. They stood up when he walked inside the CEOs cabin.

Nayeon was anticipating the meeting ever since her father told her about the divorce. Nayeon stood up out of respect for the elderly man.

"Hello my dear Nayeon." He greeted Nayeon warmly. Even though it's been few years since she last saw him, she returned a smile.

"Hello Mr. Mun. Please take your seat." She politely asked him to sit.

"Oh Nayeon, how many times I have told you to call me Appa. You are family dear." Mr. Mun sweetly said.

"Sorry Mr.Mun it's just a habit. " Nayeon replied still standing up.

"Why are you standing. Please sit. It's not everyday that I get to see my daughter in law being a CEO." He commented. Even though it was a sarcasm.

Nayeon didn't reply.

"Minhyuk came to see me the other day. He was very sad. He said you are planning on divorce. Is it true ?" Mr. Mun asked curiously.

Nayeon didn't know what to say. She simply looked down.

"Listen dear. I know my son may not be the nicest human being but he loves you dearly. I came here to apologize on his behalf. And I promise you that he won't do anything stupid. I will make sure of it." Mr. Mun said very emotionally which Nayeon felt odd.

"I don't think it will work Eric." A voice from the door interrupted their talk. Nayeon looked up to see her father standing at the doorway.

"Im my dear friend." Mr. Mun stood up and walked towards Mr.Im to greet him with a hug. The latter even though wasn't really fascinated let the man hug him.

"It's nice to meet you Eric. It's been a while." Mr. Im added.

"Yes. But I wasn't expecting the meeting to be under such circumstances." Mr. Mun sighed sadly.

"Me neither Eric. I am sorry to say that I have to move forward with the divorce. " Mr. Im informed seriously.

"I don't understand. What happened?" Mr. Mun asked confused. Even though he knew very well what happened. He pretended he didn't.

"I am sure your son would have already told you this. But, I didn't marry off my daughter so that your son can play with her like some toy or treat her like a punching bag." Mr. Im's voice raised a little.

"Did he do something Nayeon?" Mr. Mun acted surprised.

"Yes Eric. He laid his hands on my daughter while I watch. I was silent all these years because I thought my daughter was happy. But she was clearly suffering. She put on a bright smile every single day for my happiness. I don't want that anymore. She will be happy on her own and I want her out of this horrible marriage." Mr. Im set things straight.

"Can't we talk about this privately? Is it because they don't have kids? I thought they were getting treatment?" Mr. Mun asked.

"It's not about kids Eric. It's was never about kids. I didn't care about kids. All I cared about was my daughter's happiness. I made a mistake when I made her abandon the love of her life for someone like your son Eric. I am going to do everything in my power to make my daughter happy. " Mr. Im teared up as he spoke.

Nayeon watched the exchange between the old men. She felt herself tearing up at her father's words. The way he looked at her guiltily. She felt her heart breaking.

Jeongyeon was hearing the conversation from outside. She breathed out feeling relieved that finally Nayeon will get her happiness back. She thought she was the only one suffered but Nayeon suffered too maybe more than she did.

"I am not going to let this go Im." Mr. Mun replied a bit threateningly.

"You should Eric. I will send you the divorce papers today itself. Ask your son to sign it. My daughter will do what she wants from now onwards. And one more thing. I am removing you as my partner with immediate affect. The partnership amount will be settled within a week and the documents will be handed over. " Mr. Im added.

Eric Mun looked like a fish out of the water.

"What???? That's crazy. Why would you do that? I thought we were good friends." Mr. Mun yelled.

Jeongyeon quickly walked inside along with Bambam when the voices got louder.

"Mr. Im , is there a problem?" Bambam asked as he stood at the door.

"Would you please escort Mr. Mun outside, agent Bambam? Me and my daughter would like some peace." Mr. Im looked into Eric Mun's eyes and waved him off.

Bambam nodded. " Sir,please." He gestured towards the door to Mr. Mun.

"I know how to get out agent. No need for your help. Im you are playing with fire. Don't forget that." Mr. Mun threatened.

"I made a mistake of believing you and getting greedy for more. But now I have understood my mistake. This company doesn't value to me more than my daughter's happiness." Mr. Im replied softly.

Mr.Mun gave one nasty look towards the father and daughter and walked out of the door.

"Agents you can leave. Let me have a word with my daughter alone.. please." Mr. Im said to the agents.

They nodded and exited the room.

"Why?" Nayeon asked as she stood shocked.

"Why what honey ?" Mr. Im asked softly approaching his daughter slowly.

"Why did you do this to me?" She finally broke down crying and Mr.Im rushed to hug her.

"I am sorry baby. I know I wasn't a good father. I was greedy. I wanted the whole world on my feet. But....when your mother died....I realised what loneliness is.... I realised what losing someone you love feels like...." Mr.Im held his daughter closer to his chest and Nayeon cried. Ten years worth of hatred and pentup anger melted down as tears.

"I am so sorry Nayeon. Please forgive me." Mr. Im rocked her back and forth and rubbed circles on her back. His heart broke seeing Nayeon cry like this.

"Appa...." Nayeon called out. Mr. Im smiled and cried at the same time. It's been almost ten years since he heard Nayeon call him Appa.

"Yes baby. Appa is here. Appa is here..." He pulled her even tighter and kissed her forehead lovingly. This is all he needed. Nothing else mattered at this moment.

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