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Nayeon sat in the balcony with the freshly prepared tteobokki. She folded her legs under the blanket. The cold wind blew on her face. It's only 6 in the morning. She would rather sit here than stay in the room she shared with her husband.

After the visit to Sana's clinic, Minhyuk has been different. The cold man was even colder now. When she appreciated him being distant, she hated that it means she will be a punching bag for him to let out his frustration.

There are things behind the closed door of their bedroom that nobody knew. Her body had scars in different places proving it. But Nayeon didn't speak a word.

The day she lost Jeongyeon, she died. Whatever was living now, it's not her. It's just a shell. An emotionless shell.

"Miss Im." A voice outside the room snapped her out of the thoughts.

She stood up slowly and walked towards the door.

"Yes Heyjin." She addressed her favourite maid with kindness.

"Mr. Im had requested for you. " Heyjin said politely.

"Alright I will be there." Nayeon sighed." Heyjin, could you please discard the tteobokki in the trash?" She requested the maid pointing at the plate outside.

"Yes Miss Im." Heyjin bowed and collected the dish.

Nayeon made her way downstairs. She saw her father at the dining table. Luckily Minhyuk was not there.

"Nayeon." Her father greeted her with a small smile. But she didn't return it. She sat in the far end chair away from him.

"You called." She said pouring some water into a glass.

"Yes. I did. I know you are cooped up in your study all day. Why don't you go out....just like you used to." Her father suggested.

Nayeon's eyebrows comically went wide." Wow... That's a first. I think you are getting too old to remember the past. But don't worry I didn't forget." Nayeon responded while she sipped her water.

"For your information, you were the one who locked me inside this prison for the last ten years. " Nayeon's voice raised a bit. Her emotions overflowing.

Mr. Im lowered his head, ashamed.
Nayeon got up from her chair angrily and walked inside, not even bothering to look back.

Heyjin left that evening after her work. She took out the Tupperware from the fridge. Carefully put it inside her bag.

"Miss Im. I am leaving for the day. Is there anything you need?" Heyjin asked Nayeon, who was reading a book in her study.

"No need Heyjin. You may leave. Have a good night." Nayeon smiled at her maid.

"You too Miss Im." Heyjin smiled gently and walked out the door.

She walked through the familiar street. Heyjin pulled out her phone from her bag. She looked at the message and turned the corner.

She held her hand out for a taxi. A yellow car pulled up in front of her and Heyjin got in quickly.

"Where to ?" The driver asked Heyjin.

"The same place " she responded. Heyjin removed her hair tie and let her hair loose.

She opened her bag and took out the Tupperware. The car came to a halt at the nearby street. Heyjin passed the Tupperware to the driver.

"Reheat it before you eat." Heyjin reminded and she fixed her dress.

"Thanks Hey." The driver responded. In the flash light you could see a smile on the face.

"You don't have to say it every time Jeongyeon. This isn't the first time I bring you her tteobokki. When you didn't come back for two years I thought you gave up." Heyjin replied sadly.

"I would never give up on her Heyjin. She is still my everything." Jeongyeon replied and held the Tupperware close to her chest.

"How's she?" Jeongyeon asked, her voice cracking a little. Heyjin is familiar with this question and she answers the same every time.

"Lonely. " But this time she had more to add "I can't take it anymore Jeongyeon. Watching her go through all those emotions alone. I don't think she is safe, Jeongyeon..... I saw her shoulder today when she came out of the shower.....there were bruises ....big angry red ones.... You need to save her...." Heyjin teared up.

Jeongyeon grabbed the steering tight that her knuckles turned white.

"I haven't seen her like that in these five years. She hid it so well. But I saw them today.....and no girl should go through it. " Heyjin was emotional.

"It's getting late. You should go. Thanks for the tteobokki. " Jeongyeon managed to let out.

Heyjin nodded and stepped out of the car. She waved at Jeongyeon and walked towards the club that she worked at.

Jeongyeon saved Heyjin five years ago from a group of thugs. She worked as a stripper in a local club. Her family was so poor that she had no other way to earn a decent living.

Ever since then she was thankful to Jeongyeon. So when she asked her to do a favour, Heyjin took it whole heartedly. Being the maid at the Im Residence.

Luckily she knew how to cook and clean as she worked at a hotel years ago. There was only one duty Jeongyeon requested her to do. Take care of Nayeon.

Within few days, Heyjin became Nayeon's good friend. Even though she didn't speak much, Heyjin's presence was relaxing for Nayeon and she often sat at the kitchen table to read a book or have small talks.

Jeongyeon was never mentioned anywhere in their conversation but yet Heyjin found Jeongyeon's presence in everything Nayeon did. Especially the tteobokki she made every morning. It was Jeongyeon's favourite.

One day out of curiosity she checked what Nayeon did with the cooked tteobokki. Her heart ached by seeing what Nayeon did. From that day onwards she decided to somehow give it to Jeongyeon.

When Jeongyeon was in town, she would call her and meet in person. She sneaked the tteobokki ever since then. Everytime she gave it to Jeongyeon, she saw tears in her eyes and Heyjin knew love never fades and there was still hope for the two.

Heyjin lived a peaceful life after Jeongyeon saved her. She sees Heyjin as her own sister and protects her as one.

Now it's a matter of time Jeongyeon comes to rescue the fallen princess.

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