Finding the Leak

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Taehyung walked to their office later that day to attend a team meeting called out by Jihyo and Bambam.

Ever since the incident with Kai and Tzuyu the team has been more vigilant. They had made sure their family members were under surveillance and always looked after. They understood luckily and cooperated well. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung started staying at Momo's for the time being.

Dahyun had done a deep snoop around Jeongyeon's house ever since the incident. As the expert she is, there were several cameras planted in different locations. She disabled them effectively without even removing them. Once it had been deactivated she was able to remove them but still it wasn't safe enough for the family to move back yet.

"Hey Dubu. Can you check my phone? My alarm is not working and I can't change my ringtone. It's this weird ringtone which you get on the phone...I hate them." Taehyung said as he handed his phone to Dahyun.

"Sure Bro. Give it to me." Dahyun said as she took the phone from Taehyung.

Jihyo and Jeongyeon walked in followed by Bambam, Lisa and Ryujin. Momo was already sitting at the table.

"Team Shadow. Assemble. " Jihyo's loud voice echoed inside the room.

They all sat down on their respective seats. Dahyun took her laptop and sat next to Momo. Suddenly Taehyung's phone rang. It's some weird ringtone. Everyone got silent for a minute and looked at Dahyun who had the phone.

"'s not mine. It's Tae's" Dahyun held her hands up in defence.

"Arggg..... I hate this tone." Taehyun groaned and held his hands at Dahyun to hand over the phone.

As Dahyun was about to hand the phone over something caught her attention.

"Wait...." Instead of handing the phone over to Taehyun she quickly put it down. The ringing stopped for a minute. Dahyun gestured for everyone to be silent.

"Yeah man this ringtone sucks."  Dahyun looked at Taehyung and raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah....I ....know.." Taehyung replied raising his eyebrow as well. Dahyun gives him a thumbs up.

"Let me change it." Dahyun once again gestured for everyone to stay silent and then connected Taehyung's phone to her laptop.

She cloned the phone in no time and changed the ringtone.

"Let me dial it to my number." Dahyun then pretended to make a call to a number which was something she used to track devices. But whatever she did the ringtone didn't change. Dahyun smiled wickedly knowing what had happened.

" should change the phone. I think this is broken." Dahyun acted out disappointed. But pointed at the phone to others to let them know that it's rigged.

"Aww...bummer. I love this model" Taehyung played along but his expression was shocked.

"Let's check if the calls are working. If it works you can still use it " Dahyun replied and pretended to dial another number which was programmed for pizza delivery.

"Hey who wants pizza?. Let's order some." Dahyun asked

"Yaay....let's have pizza." Jihyo faked her enthusiasm.

"Alright..." Dahyun successfully made a fake call to a non-existent pizza shop. The bot responded to their order pretty well.

Fifteen minutes after the call, Dahyun turned the laptop around and showed everyone a guy standing outside their building door, handing over a few boxes of pizza to the security guard.

Jihyo asked the guard to leave the pizza in the dumpster and not to open it. The guard did as she told.

Dahyun quickly placed a device near the phone and turned it on.

"This phone is rigged and it's sending voice over to someone." Dahyun finally said making everyone in the room shocked.

"Wait...don't say they will hear us." Momo interjected quickly.

"Don't worry they won't. I have this device, it's a static sound like the one you hear while tuning radio channels. They won't be able to hear us. Luckily there is only voice and gps tracking. The haven't done anything with the camera." Dahyun explained.

"How did you know?" Jeongyeon asked curious.

"Well first of all. This phone has an old version of operating system and the ringtone that you heard earlier is like a drawback of the program installed in this device. The program is advanced for this phone and when installed in a downgraded version it tends to show some issues. The program is stopping the device from doing it's duty as a normal phone. That's why Taehyun is having difficulty using it for the last few days." Dahyun said.

"Taehyung, did you give your phone to somebody?" Jeongyeon asked confused. She never mistrusted her team members. The expression Taehyung gave when he found out that his phone was rigged is a clear indication that he never knew how it happened. Someone tricked him.

"No I swear I didn't. " Taehyung held his hands out in defence. "You know me guys. I wouldn't do anything like that." Taehyung was feeling so disappointed and upset at himself.

"Tae, we never said you would do something." Lisa added pating his shoulder.

"I am really sorry guys. Because of me everyone got in danger. I should have been more careful." Taehyung held his head down.

"Tae, don't be like that. Besides if you haven't showed your phone to Dahyun, we wouldnt have known anything." Bambam reasoned.

"Yeah Tae, what Bam said is right. Don't bring yourself down. We all trust you. But we need to find out how this happened. Just rewind everything that happened in a few days and tell us if you remember anything odd." Jeongyeon replied calmly.

"Well it was pretty much the same these days....oh...I had a one night stand. If that counts." Taehyung blushed as he mentioned it.

"Seriously Tae?" Ryujin shook her head chuckling.

"What you guys said to rewind my days. So that's what happened. I met a rock band a few days ago. You know how much I love rock music. And there was this girl in the team a pretty one. After a few drinks it kind of happened." Taehyung shrugged.

"When was this?" Jihyo asked.

"Like three days ago." Taehyung replied.

"When did the problem with your phone start?" Dahyun asked.

"Two days ago." Taehyung's eyes widened." Wait do you guys think it has something to do with this?" He asked leaning forward suddenly.

"Well you answered our question." Bambam added

"Aren't you new to this place? How did you find a rock band in this short time?" Ryujin asked curiously.

"Well there's this guy I met while I did laundry on Sundays. He is a local artist and he invited me to watch their show at a local club." Taehyung explained.

"Check him out Dubu. Get every info on people involved that day. But we can't let them know that we found out. " Jihyo put forward her orders.

"I have an idea for it. Tae, you are coming with me. Take your phone to. " Bambam said.

"Also I have checked the license plates of the cars that attacked Jeongyeon's house but those are all fake." Momo added.

"But I might know a dealer who had those model vehicles. I am taking Lisa with me." Momo took things in her hands.

"Jeongyeon and Ryujin will cover the Ims today." Jihyo said." I will stay with Dahyun to figure out who is behind it."

Everyone nodded and bid their byes. Jihyo and Dahyun quickly got to work.

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