First Client

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It's been two weeks since they started working on their new business. Jihyo and Jeongyeon had been busy mostly arranging stuff in the office while Momo pulled out contacts and hired new recruits for the team.

"Don't forget we have a client meeting today. Wear something nice Jeongyeon. This is a big shot I guess. " Jihyo told her best friend as the arranged lockers.

"Yes mom." Jeongyeon mocked Jihyo which earned an eye roll from the latter.

"Did you get the file?" Jeongyeon asked as if she remembered it now.

"Unfortunately no. Our commander called me this morning saying that he will be present for the meeting. See this is why I told you it's a big shot. Otherwise who would have a military commander for a security hiring." Jihyo expressed her genuine surprise.

"Yeah. That's strange." Jeongyeon furrowed her eyebrows but shrugged it off.

"Alright guys. I made the calls. In two days we will have a bunch of guys to fill out our team. And there are staff for desk jobs. Dahyun will take care of the computers and cameras. I think we are pretty much set. The vehicles are on the way now. All we are left with are uniforms." Momo read out everything on her paper as she walked into the main room.

"Alright. We will have suits, black and white and polo t-shirts with cargo pants for casuals.  Give the orders according to size and build. Also make sure to add a few extra pairs." Jihyo quickly formed a plan.

"Copy that." Momo replied and retreated back to the office.

"Alright, I think that's all we have for now. Get ready, we need to go to the meeting. " Jihyo looked at Jeongyeon.

"I will meet you at 11 at your place. I need to drive home." Jeongyeon replied as she walked out of the office. Jihyo nodded.

When Jeongyeon parked her car outside the house, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu came down the steps with their bag.

"Where are you going?" She asked Chae.

"I have to submit a project and Tzuyu wants ice cream. I will drop her off at the shop down the lane." Chae explained casually.

"Alright. Be careful." Jeongyeon said and watched her sisters ride on Chaeyoung's scooter.

Chaeyoung dropped Tzuyu off at the nearest store which was only 5 minutes away from their house. Ever since they were kids, they used to come here often. An elderly woman ran the shop and Tzuyu was really familiar.

Jeongyeon never let Tzuyu go alone anywhere. Chaeyoung was a bit more independent but Tzuyu was precious to her. Either her or Chaeyoung always accompanied her to places.

"Ajumma..." Tzuyu greeted the elderly woman at the friend.

" baby." She touched her cheek and smiled brightly.

"Can I get an ice cream?" She asked politely and smiled showing off her cute dimple.

"It's in the back dear. Go ahead and get it." She let her inside.

Tzuyu walked around the store. Since it's a small convenience store there weren't many people. Tzuyu walked towards the freezer to check out the flavours.

As she stood in front of the freezer she saw someone looking at her in the reflection. Tzuyu turned around and saw a man in his late 30s looking at her creepily.

Out of fear, she pulled her skirt down a little bit trying to hide as much as possible. Tzuyu decided to pick the ice cream as fast as she could and get out of them. But the man was faster. He quickly pushed her to the freezer.

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