People from the Past

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Jihyo took the sisters puppy shopping as promised, even though she got scolded by Jeongyeon for "influencing" them badly.

Just like every other time Jihyo got away with a no-sibling to spoil card on Jeongyeon, who just huffed and puffed but let her sisters have their way.

The morning was eventful with Jihyo asking millions of questions as to how Nayeon ended up in her house specifically in her room, which Chae of course supplied deliberately to Jihyo.

Jeongyeon had to prove her innocence that nothing happened but she was still under suspicion. Nayeon saved her finally from the ever lasting embarrassment by admitting that nothing indeed happened between them.

Jeongyeon took Nayeon to the nearest shopping mall which happened to be one of the biggest in Seoul, to buy some clothes for Nayeon. She had to borrow Jeongyeon's sweatshirt and pants as she came to her house wearing nothing but a night gown.

"Jeongyeon...." A small body collided with Jeongyeon as she wandered around the clothing section.

"Oops....Jennie." Jeongyeon exclaimed when she saw who it was.

The idol smiled brightly at Jeongyeon." The one and only." She dramatically posed in front of her. Jeongyeon smiled and hugged her properly which earned several looks. Especially two sets, Lisa and Nayeon.

Jeongyeon saw Lisa walking towards them and she held her hand for a high five which the latter responded to. Jennie saw Nayeon standing a few steps behind Jeongyeon holding few dresses she selected to try on.

Nayeon couldn't believe her eyes, she just went to grab couple of dresses to try on. Before she check it she wanted to know what Jeongyeon felt about them. Quickly taking them she looked around for Jeongyeon and found her hugging someone. She felt her heart tug when she realised it was Jennie.

"Hey Nayeon, come here. You know Jennie right?." Jeongyeon slightly gestures Nayeon to come forward. The latter hesitantly moved towards her lover and nodded her head.

"Yeah. Who wouldn't." She replied forcing a fake smile towards the idol.

Jennie felt a pinch of jealousy when she looked at the woman next to Jeongyeon. She was wearing Jeongyeon's sweatshirt. But she is an idol so she extended her hand to shake with the woman and smiled politely.

"Miss Kim we need to get going." Lisa reminded Jennie from behind.

"Oh...sorry. Jeongyeon, can you meet me sometime? I want to talk to you about something." Jennie looked at Jeongyeon hopefully.

"Yeah sure." Jeongyeon agreed smiling back at her.

They bid their farewells and Jennie hugged Jeongyeon once again before she left. This time she placed a kiss on Jeongyeon's cheek that seemed to set Nayeon on fire. Without bothering to call Jeongyeon she stormed out of the mall carrying the dresses she bought.

Jeongyeon saw Nayeon walking away and quickly followed her to the car." What happened to her?" She thought.

The car halted at an intersection waiting for the signal to turn green. Jeongyeon looked at Nayeon who was quite for the entire ride. She decided to speak to her and as soon as she turned to the side something caught her attention or someone caught her attention. Someone from the past.

Jeongyeon frowned. That isn't possible. Every word she wanted to say to Nayeon died down and her face morphed into confusion. The light turned green and Jeongyeon sped up to drop Nayeon off at her house.

"I will meet you tonight. There is some people I need to see." Jeongyeon spoke as she opened the door for Nayeon and kissed her on the lips. Before Nayeon could process Jeongyeon was off. She stood there on the driveway flushed and confused.

At the Shadow Headquarters

"Hey Jeong good thing you are here. I think we were able to track...." Momo's words died down when she saw Jeongyeon's fuming face.

"Jeongie...what is it?" Momo asked coming closer to Jeongyeon.

"Robert." Is all Jeongyeon uttered and Momo stiffened. Dahyun watched the interaction confused.

"Whose Robert?" She asked curiously.

"Dahyun. Pull up the file Operation Silverhawk from our database." Jeongyeon ordered as she sat next to Dahyun.

Momo stood there frozen. She felt her body tingle with rage.

" guys were badasses back then...huh..." Dahyun looked at the file the popped

"Oh wow Momo Unnie. 25 kills in two missions. Badass...but guess you got old and retired." Dahyun laughed jokingly.

Jeongyeon slammed her hand on the table." Shut the fuck up Dahyun. Momo is and will be the best soldier you will ever see. Don't you dare call her old or my fist will talk to you" Jeongyeon's growl almost made Dahyun pee in her pants.

"Sorry Boss " Dahyun quickly mumbled and nodded her head.

"Pull up Robert Wilson. I want you to find the details of this man. I don't care where you dig. I want everything about him in an hour." Jeongyeon ordered.

"Hey guys. I bought coffee." Jihyo walked into the office holding coffee cups. But her smile faded when the atmosphere felt serious.

"Hey what happened?" Jihyo asked ,placing the coffee on the table.

"It had to be wrong Ji." Jeongyeon paced in the room.

"What had to be wrong? Mo what's going on?" Jihyo was confused.

"I saw Robert." Jeongyeon said.

" in Robert Wilson.....? The dead guy....?" Jihyo looked back and forth between Jeongyeon and Momo.

"Yes Ji. I saw him in his car while I was in traffic." Jeongyeon ran her hand through the hair.

" could have mistaken Jeong. It can't be him. You told me he is dead Mo." Jihyo looked at Momo who was still standing there frozen.

"Say something Mo. Tell me I am wrong." Jeongyeon walked towards Momo and shook her shoulder to get her attention.

"I don't know. Okay. I am as confused as you are. I thought he died that day. " Momo yelled at them. Finally reacting.

"Uhhh...guys....I have something." Dahyun carefully called out the elders.

"What is it Dahyun?" Jihyo seemed a bit calmer than others.

"So this Robert guy you were talking about, he is not Robert. His name is Theodore. He runs a custom car shop. See this is his shop in Seoul." Dahyun pulled up several images of the man and his business.

"Wait....pull up the previous photo again." Momo asked quickly. Dahyun pulled up the photo of Theodore in front of a customised SUV.

"Can you zoom on the lower part of the SUV?" Momo asked again.

"What is it Mo?" Jeongyeon asked curious.

"Remember I said the SUV that came to your house seemed customised..look at this one. It has the same X mark on the grill as the others. Also when we checked the CCTV footage from our hideout for Kai, the same type of SUVs popped up. This isn't a coincidence. I think we are playing with someone bigger than Mun if this guy is in fact Robert" Momo concluded her theory.

"Dahyun. Get the data of his business deals, contacts family,everything he has on records. We need a field day. Check with Bambam if they have any lead with Taehyung's phone." Jihyo commanded and Dahyun got back to work.

"We two need to get down, catch some low lives. We need more Intel. Mo get your street gear. We are going underground." Jeongyeon said to Momo, who nodded and pulled out her phone to call her backups.

Momo being the martial arts academy owner had her own perks. She had more ties with local goons and other fighters in the streets than anyone else. They respected her and helped her from time to time.

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