Kim Dahyun Part 2

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Dahyun sat on a chair inside an unfurnished office room. The two girls who brought her here sat opposite to her watching her keenly.

Dahyun squirmed unsure whether she is actually safe or in danger. They didn't even blink their eyes. It looked like they were judging her entire existence.

"Am I kidnapped or something?" She asked squirming in her seat.

"Nope." The one with a sleepy face said. Her bangs were thick but she looked kinda Japanese.

"Oh....I totally forgot. I have to go to college." Dahyun quickly picked her bag up and was about to get up when the door opened revealing a tall broad girl....or guy... Dahyun got confused.

"Did you guys start before me?" Jeongyeon asked as she stepped into the light.

"Nope. We were just talking. Right kid?" Jihyo asked eyeing her which made Dahyun quickly sit back on the chair. Yup she is totally dead. But her worst fear was she didn't know why and who they trapped her here.

"Is she really this white or did you guys frightened her like this?" Jeongyeon asked pointing at the snow white skinned girl.

"Nope. She is white as a tofu." Momo smirked looking at her. Dahyun got chills.

"Hmm.. that explains the name." Jeongyeon walked around picking up the file on the table.

"Who....who are you guys?" Dahyun gained the courage to ask.

"Tell me Kim Dahyun, are you rich?" Momo asked twirling a coin in her hand.

"" Dahyun stuttered.

"What do your parents do for a living ?" Jihyo asked leaning back on her chair.

" works in...a...mechanic maker." She replied clutching her backpack closer to her chest.

"Really?" Jeongyeon sat on the edge of the table closer to Dahyun and crossed her arms over her chest. Dahyun nodded quickly.

"What's in your backpack?" Jeongyeon asked pointing at the bag in Dahyun's hand.

"My...lap..laptop" she answered again.

"MacBook?" Jihyo asked leaning on her elbows. Once again Dahyun nodded.

"Woah is that new edition Apple Airpod Max?" Momo asked pointing at the headphones around Dahyun's neck.

"Wait...she has Nike Jordan. Damn your brother might be working on sports cars." Jihyo commented.

" runs a local workshop near Gwangjang Market." Dahyun replied looking back and forth between the people in the room.

"So, you are saying that you got all these stuff for free?" Jeongyeon scratched her chin pretending to think.

"I...I bought it myself." Dahyun quickly defended. Gotcha Jeongyeon smirked. She fell right into the trap.

"Really? How old are you again?...oh here it says 24...and guess what no job. I wonder how you made this much money." Jeongyeon said again. This time looked straight into Dahyun's eyes, who quickly lowered it.

"Kid, we know what you do for a living. Those little hacking tricks you pull around, we could make it a big deal you know. Put you in jail or worse ban you out of the country. Which one would you prefer?" Jihyo asked standing up and walked around the table to stand in front of the shivering Dahyun.

"Please...please. I swear I won't do any of that again. Please let me go." Dahyun almost fell to her knees begging them.

"C'mon how can we do that now. We are soldiers. Ones who protect this country from any threats like you. We have orders to shoot at sight." Momo built the tension a bit. But stayed expressionless which made the kid tremble in fear.

"But...but I didn't do anything. Those guys had a gun on my head...and ...and they made me do it. I swear I didn't know it was a government site." Dahyun blurred out scared for life.

Jeongyeon raised her eyebrow and looked at Jihyo, who signaled her that they will look into it later. Jeongyeon nodded and went back to the kid.

"We believe you but if you want us to let you go, you are going to do as we say. " Jeongyeon pulled out a laptop from another table and opened it in front of Dahyun. She placed it on the table and opened a website. "If you hack into this website within 60 seconds, I will let you go without a single scratch. " Jeongyeon explained as calmly as possible.

"Wait...are you guys terrorists or something. This is the traffic camera system. " Dahyun looked at the website suspiciously.

"Told you this won't work. This kid is too weak. Just finish it off." Momo impatiently stood up and pulled out her gun. Dahyun screamed out of fear.

"Hey..hey...relax. c'mon Mo, we talked about this. You have to be calm. She will do it. Won't you ?" Jihyo quickly jumbed in to grab Momo.

Dahyun couldn't get any white at the moment. She paled and looked at Jeongyeon who had now stood up in case anything worse happened.

"You better start before she gets pissed off. Don't think am scaring you even more but she is the best sharp shooter in our team. So...." Jeongyeon raised her hands almost like she is giving up.

"Wait...wait...I will do it." Dahyun quickly placed her bag on the ground and moved her chair forward. She looked at the website and then back at the three kidnappers.

Jihyo pulled out her stop watch and started the timer. 1..2..3...

Dahyun fixed her glasses and her hands glided over the keyboard like a pianist. She clicked and scrolled countless times. Others watched her work.

56...57....58....59..."Done" Dahyun said from her chair and turned the laptop towards the trio.

Jihyo looked at the timer. 59 seconds. She was impressed.

"You owe me 10000 won." Momo said to Jihyo as she put her gun back.

"Oh c'mon." Jihyo sulked but pulled out the money from her purse and handed it to Momo.

"Wait...what??" Dahyun asked looking at them.

Jeongyeon chuckled and pat her shoulder. "Welcome to the team Kim Dahyun."

Dahyun sat there confused as hell, when the three laughed at her. Later they told her that it was her "interview" and she passed successfully.

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