Strike One

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Yeri walked into Commander Kwan's condo on a Friday evening. She felt her hands sweat from nervousness. She got the message a while ago asking to plant a voice recorder inside his home office.

Commander Kwan had the condo for personal purposes. Yeri often visited here since their relationship was a secret.

She turned the key to the condo and walked inside. Commander Kwan was at work and she felt the nervousness kick in.

She casually strolled inside the condo. Yeri knew Commander Kwan had cameras inside the condo. She pretended to look for something everywhere then she slowly opened the office door.

She tripped on the rug and fell down, but that's when she saw a small drawer beneath the rug. Curiously she pulled the latch but it didn't open. Yeri planted the voice recorder under the table she used to get herself up. Putting the rug back, she quickly walked out of the office room.

Not to feel suspicious, Yeri got something from the bedroom and walked out locking the door.


Nayeon woke up startled when the phone rang on the bedside table. She slowly opened her eyes and pushed on the soft chest below her. Finally getting a hold of the phone, she pressed the answer button.

"Hello..." Replied Nayeon softly.

"Jeongyeon..." The voice on the other end greeted confused.

Nayeon's eyes opened wide. She snapped her head towards the bed. Her mouth opened wide looking at the naked body laying on it.

Jeongyeon groaned when her body started shaking. "Five more minutes..." She mumbled and turned her head to the side falling asleep again.

" better wake up..." Nayeon shook Jeongyeon a bit harderd.

"Wha....I am up...up.." Jeongyeon sat up still eyes closed and scratched her head.

Nayeon quickly put the phone near Jeongyeon's ear.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, get your ass down in the office right now." Jihyo's voice screamed through the phone and Jeongyeon woke up quickly.

"In a minute..." Jeongyeon disconnected the phone and looked around. Where the fuck am I? Wait this is my room. Her eyes fell on a very naked Nayeon sitting beside her. Jeongyeon swallowed hard. Her eyes travelled down to Nayeon's naked body.

Nayeon felt Jeongyeon's gaze on her chest and she quickly pulled the blanket to hide herself.

"Wow..I am offended. It's not like I haven't been buried there a few hours ago." Jeongyeon commented smirking.

Nayeon blushed at the comment. Jeongyeon kicked off her blanket and got up stark naked. Jeongyeon had always been confident of her body. Nayeon watched as her lover stretched and groaned. She felt her cheek heat up again watching Jeongyeon's muscular form pick up the scattered dresses on the floor.

She couldn't remember the time they reached back home. Instead of going to her house, Nayeon insisted on going to Jeongyeon's house. Since her sisters were at Momo's, they had the house for themselves. The couple had thoroughly used the time.

"I am going to take a shower. You want to join ?" Jeongyeon asked while she wrapped a towel around her waist. Nayeon's mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"Alright." Jeongyeon walked towards Nayeon and picked her up throwing her over the shoulder. Nayeon squealed loudly but grabbed onto Jeongyeon.


"Where the hell have you been?" Jihyo yelled at a very confused Jeongyeon who just walked in.

"Woah..woah..what happened?" Jeongyeon held her hands up surrendering.

"Yeri is missing." Jihyo replied shortly.

"Shit..." Jeongyeon slammed her hand on the table.

"We have been after Yeri all night but no use. Kwan is still in the camp with his trainees. There is no way he did something." Jihyo added.

"Are you sure he didn't leave the compound?" Jeongyeon asked curiously.

"I am sure. Me and Dahyun were here all night keeping track of him." Jihyo replied confidently.

"Where's Momo?" Jeongyeon asked looking around.

"Sana called a while ago. She went home." Jihyo casually replied.

"Okay. Dahyun get Bambam online. We need to find her." Jeongyeon ordered Dahyun.

"There is no need for that. Yeri is safe." Momo walked in.

"What do you mean? How?" Jihyo asked frantically.

"Robert called me last night. He said Kwan had a task for him. Yeri would have been killed last night if it wasn't for Robert." Momo added.

"So what do we do now?" Jeongyeon asked.

"We need to kill Yeri." Momo replied.

"What? Then why did we save her?" Jihyo asked irate.

"Listen. If we didn't kill Yeri,  Kwan will find out about Robert helping us which will be dangerous to Robert. I know you guys don't agree with me on this but we need him and he is a changed man." Momo quickly replied.

"As much as I hate the idea, Momo has a point. But we can't kill Yeri." Jihyo replied thinking.

"Well we can create an accident. Call Bambam, we will arrange a dead body. Ask Robert to keep Yeri in a safe place. We need to get some things in the meantime." Jeongyeon formed a plan.


Robert walked into Kwan's office later that day.

"Is it done?" Kwan asked as soon as he saw Robert.

"Yes. There's already news on the television." Robert informed and switched the TV on.

Popular businessman Eric Mun's only daughter Yeri, died in a car accident this morning at Gangnam district.

Police reports state that the car was above the speed limit and crashed into the truck killing Miss Yeri on the spot.

Robert switched the TV off.

Kwan smiled and replied." Good. I hope everything is cleaned out."

"Yes Sir, no witness. Everything is done by professionals." Robert stood tall and replied confidently.

"Good. Your reward will be deposited in your bank account today itself." Kwan waved him off.

"Can I ask you something?" Robert stood hesitantly.

"Sure." Kwan looked at Robert confused.

"Why her?" Robert asked simply.

"Ahh..I thought you would never ask. Yeri is a beautiful and very lovely young girl. Eager to please." Kwan chuckled and smirked. Robert clenched his fist but didn't let it show.

"But she was hiding something. Something that is going to cost me big time. So I had to finish her off." Kwan replied. Robert nodded understandingly and left the commander.

Robert wondered what Kwan referred to earlier. He decided to keep an eye on Kwan. Robert knew Kwan wasn't a simple man. He had roots deep in the entire country. If today it was Yeri tomorrow it could be him. He needs to inform Momo to speed up things before more lives are taken.

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