Team Delta

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Momo screamed through the phone. Jihyo literally had to pull it away from her ears.

"What the fuck Mo? It's...." Jihyo looked at the clock." Fucking 6 in the morning." She yelled back.

"You will scream too if you know who called me just a few moments ago." Momo's excited voice boomed.

Jihyo rubbed her temples." Alright, you got 10 seconds to say whatever the fuck it is before I explode."

"Okay...okay..geez. you are so grumpy in the morning. So the commander of the delta team called. They are arriving today." Momo squealed again.

"Oh wow...I didn't think they would accept" Jihyo was surprised as well. Even before the business started Jihyo had tried many times to reach them but didn't receive any response.

"Me neither. But they said there was a special request. Do you think it was Commander Ming?" Momo asked unsure.

"I am not sure. Alright, I will get there early. We can plan out things. Let's sit Jeongyeon away in this one. She needs a break." Jihyo said worried.

" are right. Alright get some sleep and I will meet you at the office at 9." Momo replied and they bid their byes before hanging up.

At 11 AM, a black Cadillac pulled up in front of their office. One by one four members of the Delta team stepped out of the vehicle. All in black suits, wearing their glasses. They looked so crisp and shark, straight to business. Bambam the leader of the group walked up front. Lisa his second in command followed suit. Then exited Taehyung and Ryujin, the fresh blood in the group.

Jihyo and Momo stood at the door ready to welcome them to their place. The Delta team was known for their tactical mission strategy. Each member of the team was selected from different groups. Each one holds a specific skill. Bambam was the strength of the group, Lisa was the sniper. Ryujin and Taehyung had super speed and flexibility.

"I thought the Delta team had five members" Jihyo exclaimed as she looked at the four people walking towards them.

"Me too. But I couldn't get hold of the fifth one. No one knows. All I could come up with was a file with no access. It had the name "The Ostrich" . What's impressive is that within five years that person had a body count of 75. They call the soldier a " killing machine". Momo briefly explained before smiling and shaking hands with the newcomers.

The Delta team was dispersed five years ago. Members were put in different teams as trainers and specialists only Ryujin and Taehyung were on the field as they were still young.

"Welcome on board soldiers." Jihyo greeted them all warmly.

They all shook hands and introduced themselves.

Jihyo and Momo went through the company policies and procedures. They introduced other staff and all their facilities.

While they sat together and enjoyed their small talks, the door to the main hall opened and  Jeongyeon walked in.

All eyes snapped towards the door. The Delta team sat up straight while Jihyo and Momo smiled.

"Hey guys. Meet our partner and second in command Yoo Jeongyeon. " Jihyo introduced her to the Delta team.

They all stood up. Eyed Jeongyeon closely.

Jeongyeon walked further into the room. She pushed her hands inside her pants pockets.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Jeongyeon nodded her head at them. There was a moment of silence.

Bambam was the one to break the silence. "Hey Lisa, does she look like someone familiar to you?"  He asked Lisa who stood beside him.

"It's hard to tell. I mean it's been five years since we last saw her."  Lisa looked cold at Jeongyeon.

Ryujin couldn't take it anymore. She squealed and rushed forward to hug Jeongyeon. Jihyo and Momo stood there shocked.

"Jeongieee...." She shook Jeongyeon back and forth while hugging. Everyone in the Delta team laughed.

Jeongyeon pat her head. "Ryu, it's nice to meet you too." She said smiling.

"Ostrich. Come here, you badass." Bambam came forward and gave Jeongyeon a bone crushing hug.

Momo's eyes bulged out of her socket. Ostrich.... Jeongyeon is Ostrich.

Lisa did a fist bump and shake. She then hugged her tightly. "Hey Jeongie."

Jeongyeon ruffled Taehyung's hair and gave him a one sided hug. He blushed and smiled brightly. "Tae. You grew up."

" did you know Jeongyeon?" Jihyo was confused.

"Why are you calling her Ostrich?" Momo was even more confused.

"Relax guys. I will tell you everything. " Jeongyeon replied and sat down.

Momo and Jihyo looked at Jeongyeon eagerly.

"Alright. Here we go. I am the fifth member of the Delta team. I go by the name Ostrich." Jeongyeon breathed out a sigh.

"You are The Ostrich, with 75 body counts in five years?" Momo asked still finding it hard to believe.

"The one and only." Bambam replied.

"You are The Ostrich who wiped out the entire corrupt leaders at the defense level between those five years?" Momo asked again.

"Yup. The same person." This time Lisa replied.

"Yoo Jeongyeon. You have a lot of things to tell us. And don't think we are going to leave you like this. We need the truth Jeongyeon. What did you do those five years when you left us?" Jihyo was pissed off.

She was someone who felt proud in being Jeongyeon's best friend. She thought she was the only one who knew her, the only one who would trust her. But right now, she felt like all these years of friendship meant nothing.

"Ji, don't let your brain take you to the worst areas. I am still your best friend. But I didn't tell you these because it was classified information. I was selected for a discrete and classified mission way before Somi's death. But I never took it. Then her death and everything pushed me to accept it. I was not allowed to talk about it.Still I am not but I know you won't like it if I hide it more when they are here." Jeongyeon replied placing a hand on Jihyo's shoulder.

Jihyo sighed. Jeongyeon did have a point. Classified information is not allowed to be shared.

"Fine. I get it. But I want to know everything from there on. Understood?" Jihyo asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am." Jeongyeon mockingly saluted her best friend. "Oh and Ji, let's sign the contract."

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