Smart Mina

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Once the show finished Mina walked out of the studio. Her driver was waiting at the door to take her home. A black suv pulled up behind them a few seconds later.

Mina who was looking out the window saw the SUV in the side mirror. She took her phone out to dial Jeongyeon.

"Hey Mina." Jeongyeon answers immediately.

"Hey Jeongyeon. Ummm.... I think I am being followed." She blurred out a bit scared.

"Don't worry Mina. We've got you. " Jeongyeon responded and hung up the call. Mina looked at the phone confused.

Jeongyeon quickly dialed Ryujin and Taehyung. " Guys.... We have company....stall them."

"Yes Boss." They replied.

A few minutes later a small car stopped in front of the SUV in an intersection. The SUV bumped into it ever so slightly. Ryujin and Taehyung got out of the car both of them dressed in casuals.

"C'mon man. Can't you see where you guys are going ? You guys bumped into my car. Looks like the paint is gone." Taehyung ranted while pointing at his car.

The thugs tried to get rid of them but the signal dropped and Mina's car moved on leaving them behind.

"The kid is good at acting." Jihyo commented as she watched them from their car parked at the side.

"Oh yea. Maybe we could make him the star." Jeongyeon chuckled and sped up after Mina.

A few minutes of argument and the thugs had to pay for the damages to Taehyung so that they could catch up with Mina.

Mina reached the office safely. Jeongyeon and Jihyo reached shortly and made way towards her office.

"What the fuck did you think Mina ?" Jeongyeon almost yelled at Mina as she opened the door.

"Holy shit. You scared me". Mina places a hand on her chest gasping.

"Jeongyeon calm down. Let her explain." Jihyo jumbed in before Jeongyeon lost her temper.

"Mina why would you expose something like that? We talked we will take steps slowly." Jihyo being the calm one reminded.

"I thought that too. But you guys have to speed up things." Mina said desperately.

"Why?" Jeongyeon asked curious.

Mina walked around her office and took a few blueprints. She opened her laptop and turned towards the soldiers.

"There was a meeting last week with the city council, they have asked to do a renovation for the interior of the sport centre that was inaugurated couple of years ago. We got the deal but the majority of the works were done by Mr. Minhyuk's firm so I had to get the blueprints and areal view. While I was checking I saw something interesting." Mina pulled out the blue print of the building back from 4 years ago.

"Look at the blue print and look at the 3D model. They are the same except for one detail." Mina showed them the pictures.

"The parking lot" Jeongyeon responded noticing.

"Yes exactly." Mina confirmed.

"Wait..what about the parking lot?" Jihyo asked not following.

"Well when I came to talk to Mina about Minhyuk's fake designs. I asked her how she identified it. She said her friend Jackson Wang had a unique way of putting his signature in his works. So if you look at the parking lot here it's shaped like a W. " Jeongyeon explained.

"That's his signature." Mina added.

"But couldn't that be possible he designed it long ago." Jihyo asked.

"I thought about it too. But this blue print was the one they worked on. The parking lot was rebuilt later. Almost 6 months ago."

"So Jackson is still alive and designing these?" Jihyo asked trying to clarify.

"I am afraid he won't be alive for long." Mina added worryly.

"How can you say that ?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Because if you look at the areal view of the sports centre which shows all the colors they have used, the parking lot has an underlying red color at one spot. Like an exclamation mark. I think he is in pretty big danger. " Mina added.

"But it could be something you just misunderstood right? I mean could it be like someone else did it?" Jihyo tried to reason.

"I know him very well and I have studied his work way too many times to know he never makes mistakes or let alone ask anyone else to edit it." Mina was confident.

"It looks like we are running out of time." Jeongyeon stated.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"Miss Myoui, Mr. Minhyuk is here to see you. Can I send him in ?" Mina's assistant asked her politely.

Mina looked at the soldiers. They nodded and quickly cleared the table and changed the laptop screen. They hid behind Mina's desk.

Mina sat on the chair nervously. Jeongyeon nodded from under the table for her to relax.

Minhyuk walked into the office in his expensive suit.

"Hello, Miss Myoui Mina. Atlast we meet." He smiled brightly and came forward extending his hand. Mina politely shook it just to not be suspicious.

"Hello Mr. Mun, yes we meet finally. " Mina tagged along.

"Oh please. Not with the formalities. You can call me Minhyuk ." He showed a smile that creeped Mina out.

"Very well then Minhyuk. Please take a seat " Mina engaged in a good conversation.

"Your office looks really nice. Did you design it Miss Mina?" Minhyuk asked chivalrous.

"No. Actually this is my father's office. It's his design." Mina responded politely.

"I thought that too. A bit old for a young girl like you." Again that smile. Mina was losing her cool. But she didn't show.

"I like it. It reminds me of him." Mina added.

"Sentimental much Miss Mina?" Minhyuk chuckled a little.

"Yes I am. I value people's creation. And I like to keep it that way, you know respecting them." Mina responded in a serious tone.

"Good. Good. I heard the interview." Minhyuk quickly jumbed into the matter.

"Is that why you are here Mr. Minhyuk ?" Mina asked not backing down.

"Partially yes. I heard that you got the project for the sports centre. My advice Myoui Mina, just concentrate on your work. Anything out of that, will lead you to dangerous paths." Minhyuk said seriously almost like a threat.

Mina raised an eyebrow." Is that a threat Mr. Minhyuk?" She asked devilishily smiling.

"Does that feel like one? Oh my bad. I didn't mean anything like that. I was just concerned for you Miss Mina. A beautiful girl like you in this big world of business. I don't want you to be crushed by the big bulls." Minhyuk said almost flirtatiously which made an odd taste in Mina's mouth.

"Thank you for your concern Mr. Minhyuk. But I do have people to look after me. More than you could imagine. Thanks for the visit but I hope I never see you again Mr. Minhyuk. The door is that way." Mina pointed at the door without batting an eye.

Minhyuk stood up a nasty chuckle left his throat. " You are playing with fire little girl. I hope you don't get burnt in the end." Minhyuk almost growled.

"I am black swan Mr. Minhyuk, fire can do nothing on me." Mina replied looking him in the eye.

Minhyuk left the place slamming the door on his way out. Jeongyeon and Jihyo looked up from under the table.

"Who are you?" They both asked unison and Mina chuckled prettily. They both swooned by the beauty.

She is the prettiest badass devil they have ever seen.

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