The end + Sequel

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You've reached the end of Lustful Revulsion, if you somehow managed to pull through that roller coaster of emotions, I'm immensely grateful for the support and thankful for the recognition!

I wanna first say that I thank you for helping my dreams come true, the dream of having a somewhat start to a successful book that I aim to have properly published one day and sitting on shelves, whether it's purchased or not I want to be able to walk past and say that it's mine, and that it all started because of you guys.

Second, and this is more important, as you saw from the ending of Lustful Revulsion, there is a sequel. This sequel takes place a couple of years after so the characters are much older. If you desire to wait for this book, I don't hold you back from doing so as it just needs some more planning before the release of chapters begins. Or you can conclude the rest of Lustful Revulsion as your own ending, whatever it is you prefer:)

Thirdly, if you have any questions, drop them here, or message me them and i'll be so glad to answer:)

Again, I'm so immensely grateful for the opportunity to show you guys this little world I have created in my head of Red and Layla, I really hope you guys loved them as much as I do.

Follow my tik tok for updates : @ thatonerr

Goodbye, until I hopefully see you all again in the sequel!

To be continued..

"Relentless Love."

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