Chapter 38- Eternally.

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The next morning..

"Faye.. I think she's dead." Hugo's big eyes are intently eyeing the passed-out Red on Layla's bed, her black eye more apparent than it was the night before as well as her busted lip and all the more bruises over her every feature.

Faye squeals in fear, "Hugo! Don't scare me." Faye angrily whispers her face in both her little palms, refusing to move them from her eyes in fear of seeing Red dead as Hugo claims.

The pair's inspection is interrupted by Layla who storms into her room, swiftly making her way to them, "Out of the room. And she's not dead Hugo, you idiot." Layla frustratingly responds to the conversation she just overheard on her way up the stairs.

Layla ended up calling her mum last night because that was the only person she could think of to call after the mess that happened. Diana took both Elle and Nick home after ensuring they were both well, as well as with Red. Before leaving the scene, Diana ensured that Red didn't need any extra treatment from any doctors before taking her home.

"No!" Hugo and Faye protest at the same time, standing their ground until they see Red waking up.

Layla sighs, rolling her eyes before barging past the little ones, getting to her knees before setting the glass of water and painkillers down. Layla looks over her shoulder at the pair, realising that they will not move, so when she turns back to Red, she hesitatingly reaches her hand out to Red's hair before caressing her slowly and softly, her eyes flicking across all of Red's features carefully in fond.

The pair's blinks slow down in fascination, their eyes turning to one another and back to the scene before them.

Faye picks at her fingers before her lips separate, "Layla.. Are you and Red just friends?" Faye daringly asks out of child curiosity.

But what Layla doesn't know, and what none of them know, is that Diana is standing in the doorway, she came to check in on Red when she saw them all sitting beside the sleeping girl, but she remains unnoticed by all of them.

Constellations (piano version)- Jade LeMac

Layla furrows her eyebrows in search of a way to put this out without confusion for them, her eyes remaining intently glued to Red as her hands caress every inch of her face, "Red and I, we love each other, Faye." Layla confesses, her voice containing a sort of melancholic tone of love.

Diana's heart drops at that sentence, the confirmation of it all. She knows Layla off the back of her hand, she knows that Layla doesn't care easily, she knows her Layla doesn't open her heart for anyone, and she knows the tears she lets out and the glances exchanged aren't what usual friends deal with. She knows that what Red and Layla have, isn't just friendship, but it is so much deeper, and she knows that Layla hasn't ever felt such a way. What she also knows is that, if Layla wanted her to know, she would've made it so. And so, Diana carefully walked away from the door frame and down the stairs, pretending as though she hadn't heard a thing.

Faye snaps around to Hugo with a massive smile and squinted eyes, her eyebrows shot up to say I told you so.

And that's when Hugo snaps, "How much do you love each other?" He rapidly questions, almost on the edge of his seat awaiting the answer that confirms Faye's ongoing theory for a long time.

Layla softly chuckles at the innocence of the question as she bites the inside of her cheek anxiously before responding, "Eternally." She truthfully admits a hidden smile breaking its way through her features, as her eyes start to slightly disappear and her smile lines begin to appear at the realisation of how much she does love Red.

Hugo and Faye both audibly gasp, their hands flying to their mouths creating a slap sound at the confirmation of it all, and just as they begin to find themselves beginning to understand the entire concept Red is groaning.

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