Chapter 32- Terrified.

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Red stares at the green-eyed girl that looks absolutely soaked from head to toe, literally drenched just as she is, but Layla still somehow finding warmth in the blankets she's holding, Red wonders where she'd gotten them from, maybe from the house they were just at she assumes.

But before Red allows herself to even think anymore about this girl, Red's on her feet, getting ready to up and flee the second she can, but Layla is standing in the way of the path with an expression of determination painted across her features.

Layla eyes her desperately, not knowing what to say or how to bring herself to say anything with what Red had seen, so she doesn't. Layla simply gazes at Red, tilting her head down every time Red shifts her way of standing in an attempt of hinting to her to move out of the way.

Red lets out a strong huff of air after some time before she meets Layla eye to eye, "Move out the way." Red straightforwardly says, clenching her jaw immediately after, and Layla looks at her as if she knows nothing of what she had done that night, which fuels Red's anger.

But what fuels Red's anger even more is the fact she stays still, not only did she just fucking betray Red but now she won't even listen to her.

Red takes action, pacing toward her, standing right before her, towering over the pair of green eyes that stare up at her sadly, mascara washed out from tears of guilt, good.

Red doesn't speak but she cocks her head to the left, her eyebrows bouncing up in a synchronized manner as a way to nicely tell her to move away.

Layla's eyebrows furrow before her lips part to speak, "Don't." Red interrupts, taking a step back from her.

Layla let a breath out, "Red-" Layla reaches her hand out to Red's wrist and before she can even brush her own skin against Red's, Red is pulling her arm away from her. Their eyes meet, and Red's look of hurt pains Layla, making the realisation of what she has done hit harder.

"Layla, this is the last time I tell you. Move- out- of- the- fucking- way." Red spits, her gaze turning into a glare in seconds, as her entire demeanor shifts to visible anger. Layla stands her ground, staring back at her fearfully as tears gather in her eyes. 

The expression on Layla's face sends confusion soaring through Red's body, she wants to protect her, go up to her, and just pull her in for the tightest hug, but Layla completely betrayed her, so she doesn't. Red angrily begins to chuckle, until they turn into ear-piercing laughs.

Layla's eyebrows knit together before Red speaks, "Is this what we're doing then? Are you just gonna fucking stand there and give me those pathetic looks like it makes up for anything!?" Red shouts at her, not being able to handle these abnormal feelings of raw hurt that take over her as the second passes and the moon starts to fade.

Layla remains the same, clutching onto the blanket tight before she extends her arm to Red, "I figured you'd be cold." Layla mumbles anxiously, truly not knowing what to make of this.

Red's eyes flick to the blanket as the wind soars and a shiver runs down her cold spine, her eyes flick back up to Layla, meeting her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek, "What are we?" Red boldly asks, feeling the lump in her throat grow.

Layla's heart drops, that was the last response her anxious mind had assumed Red would respond with and so she stupidly replies with the first thing that crosses her mind, scared Red will hate her even more if she doesn't respond now and quickly.


And Red squints her eyes, assuming the girl is joking to try and lighten up the mood, "That's a good one." Red nervously laughs as she looks down at her own two feet.

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