Chapter 10- Stars

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"Wait, so you and Red are mates now?" Elle stops in the dark street, staring at Layla in surprise. "No! no, no.. I don't know." Layla unsurely replies, her shoulders bouncing up as she stares off into space.

"It's obvious!" Elle walks over to Layla, "She literally slept at your house. What did Diana think of her? Did she have a right go at her?" Elle raises her eyebrows in anticipation as her voice gets higher and more excited to hear the answer.

"Surprisingly.. she didn't." Layla replies, Elle completely disappointed in the response, walks away.

"Actually, she liked her.. like a lot." Layla catches up to Elle, Elle turning to her when they're in front of a large house and music is coming from it, "I'll believe it when i see it. Now, time to get drunk." Elle puts her hands out for Layla to put her's in, she does exactly that.

"Of course, don't mention any of what i just said to Amy though." Layla whispers as they walk up the front porch, a few boys eyeing the pair as they walk up.

"Obviously." Elle winks as they enter.

Somewhere else inside the house.

"So, you slept at Layla's? Like, Layla Elsher? The one you've hated you're entire life-" Nick is interrupted by a very high Red, "And still hate." Red puts her hand out, a cigarette between her two fingers as she flatly speaks.

"That's what i meant." Nick argues, rolling his bloodshot eyes. "Well, it's not, cause you said, and i quote, 'hated', with e d at the end and not just, 'hate', therefore you were referring that i no longer hate her, and that it's in the past, which couldn't be farther from the truth." Red corrects, lazily sat on the floor with her back against the bath.

"Wow, good job, Red. You got your tenses right, do you want a medal? Chocolate perhaps?" Nick sarcastically says as he claps his hand before chucking a random cup from off the bathroom sink that he's currently sat on.

"No, no medal, no chocolate, but can we go do some more shots?" Red pushes herself off the floor, shoving her hood over her head.

"Wait, you didn't tell me the rest-" Nick jumps off the sink. "Oh." Red stares at him before, "Well, her mum was too nice, it scared me and i was embarrassed so left and yeah." Red sighs as she reaches for the door handle.

"And why were you outside in the first place?" Nick raises an eyebrow out of confusion. Nick doesn't know much about Red's home life, despite being close to her. He's never been to her house, but she has to his. All he knows is that her mum isn't present and her dad is a bit tight sometimes, and the bruising on her face is always from 'falling over' or 'a fight' on the weekend, or little lies like that.

Red stops, freezing for a little while before unlocking the door and walking out, as if she didn't hear him. She didn't have the guts to tell him that this is normal, that getting kicked out for days on end, sometimes weeks is normal for her, so she simply walks out.

"Red!?" Nick shouts her before realising he needs a wee, "Fuck sake." He cusses, accepting the fact that he'll have to let Red off whilst he goes for a wee. He slams the door shut.

Red is walking to the kitchen when she spots Layla and Layla spots her, "There you are." Layla's voice comes out sober and soft as their eyes meet. Layla is wearing a short and tight but simple turquoise glitter dress. Red's eyes meet Layla's body long and hard as Layla's meet Red's.

Red wearing a black hoodie with jeans, the hood over her curly hair, a few soft ones popping out, and her sleeves rolled up, exposing her arms that are shoved in her black jeans.

Layla grabs a hold of Red's arm before she can turn and run away, she drags her to the kitchen counter.

"Where did you leave to this morning?" Layla interrogates as she pours herself some vodka mixing some coke with it and then throwing ice into it.

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