Chapter 36- Leave

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The grudge- Olivia Rodrigo.

A few or so days later.

Red finds herself roaming the hospital grounds, biting the inside of her cheeks, but simply here for the reason that she was told her dad has woken up, so that unreleased anger she bottled up is ready to be out in flames.

She asked the receptionist where he was being held, gave them a few details and they let her through.

Red knows every crevice and corner of this hospital, she spent a lot of time in here when her mum had been hurt and eventually, she found herself coming here alone when she'd be found beaten up in the streets, passed out with some kind of alcohol intoxication. This has been ongoing ever since she began high school.

Red eyes the room long and hard when she finds it, the bastard gets his fucking room too. He's getting treated like he's royalty.

She attempts to shrug this petty anger off herself and stay focused on why she would even think to come here, the idea of her father in a hospital bed was something she had always dreamed of, it was never anything she ever expected out of a devilish man as him, that is completely indestructible.

She throws the door open, hearing the obnoxious beeps of his heart on the machine as soon as she does.

He stares blankly, slowly shutting his eyes and reopening them in surprise, "What are you here for?" Despite him being intoxicated, his voice is still laced with hatred.

Red angrily eyes him, "Well, I feel as though I have every right to know what it is that gave you the status of 'drug intoxication' and made you end up here." Red spits at him, nearing closer to the edge of his bed and gripping hard on it, her veins popping out.

"And why would I even think to tell you scummy girl a thing?" He sits up, his eyes narrowing at her like she's a target and he's aiming perfectly, somehow still holding so much power over her.

Red swallows the intimidation of her father's face, feeling her lip tremble, not daring to speak but she remains still before she starts, "Cause it was my fucking ket, you useless fuck." Red shouts at him, her grip tightening and her eyes dark, soaked in anger.

His expression quivers, as though he is questioning when this girl slipped out of his control, "You shut your fat gob." Gabriel screams, his heart monitor getting louder and faster as he leans forward and toward her.

"Or what?" Red boldly responds.

His eyes flicker in fear and anger all in one before she continues, "You think all these years I've never been able to take you? Just because I've shut my mouth all these years doesn't mean I couldn't just kill you if I fucking wanted to." Red fiercely speaks, setting the truth down for him that she's always held back.

He swallows, no response within him, "Yeah, look who's gone all quiet now.." Red slowly but madly speaks, her eyes intimidatingly eyeing him as she lets go of the metal bed and begins to come closer to him.

His eyes widen.

"Tell me, did you have the ket or what?" Red questions him, with no kindness or fear in her tone. He guiltily stares back at her, seeming so weak she almost starts to feel sorry for the bastard.

"You fucking bag of shit!" Red yells, losing control of her anger, her fists tightening as she grits her jaw at him before slowly attempting to contain it all just so she doesn't turn to herself one day and find herself being him.

She wisely breathes, clenching her jaw before turning her back, and hearing his curses as she makes her way to the door. It doesn't impact her, although his final jab makes her stop in her tracks,

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