Chapter 12- Don't

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"Fucking Mrs saggy tits is expecting my coursework in by tomorrow, when i've only started working on it last week." Elle complains as she aggressively throws her tray of food onto the dirtied table, Layla following her steps but more gently.

"Ask for an extension." Layla replies as she sits down and grabs a fork before jabbing it into a chip.

"Ask for an extension?" Elle mockingly replies, "You don't just ask for an extension with that woman." She mirrors Layla by eating a chip. Layla replies with a bounce of her shoulders, simply stating that she doesn't know what she should do, because she knows that whatever she offers, Elle will find a way to say no.

Layla looks around the dinner hall, slowly and carefully searching for at least a glance of the dark eyed girl she had spent her past few days with, but nothing.

"Anyways.." Elle sighs causing Layla's head to immediately snap towards her out of surprise. "I'm talking to someone.." Elle's expression changes to a very bright and happy smile.

"You gonna make me guess?" Layla questions, her eyes flicking to behind Elle where she spots Keegan, hysterically laughing at literally nothing. "No, im going to tell you." Elle informs as she shoves more food in her mouth, Layla more interested in staring at Keegan.

"Finley." Elle smiles proudly as she nervously bites her top lip and bounces her leg up and down in excitement.

Layla keeps her eyes fixated on Keegan until he notices and stares back, grinning a tiny bit. Layla's face remains straight until Red suddenly appears and throws herself onto the table. Red slowly looks up, her face covered in fresh bruises and cuts, Layla's heart drops at the sight of her. Keegan seems completely unfazed, not knowing how the bruises came to be saves him from a lot of sympathy towards the girl.

Red turns her head slightly, dark meets light. Red has a stoic look painted over her face as she intently stares at Layla who has a slight smile of sympathy across her lips. Red blankly stares at her for a while until she grabs her bag and swiftly walks out in a hurry with her head turned away from Layla.

"Layla." Elle pulls her arm back into reality. "Ouch." Layla quickly snatches her hand away from Elle, wrapping her other hand on her wrist and rubbing it.

"You completely ignored me." Elle complains, quite child like as she looks away from Layla and to over her shoulder to see Keegan, "Makes sense." She sighs out of annoyance.

Layla simply nods, getting the urge to correct her and tell her that it was Red who she had her eyes on, but she doesn't. Why? She has no idea.

An hour later..

Layla sits nervously bouncing her leg up and down waiting for Red's arrival to science which feels like it'll never come.

The teacher is explaining an experiment and what they're going to do today when Red walks in, head down, back slumped and legs weak as she sits down next to Layla, who intently stares at her.

"Red.." Layla whispers hesitantly, going completely ignored by the frozen Red who keeps her gaze on the wall in front of her as she bites the inside of her cheek.

Layla attempts to shake Red to get her attention but before her hand has even gotten an inch close, Red is quickly grabbing Layla by the wrist before, "Don't touch me." Red hisses through her teeth, her grip strong and harsh.

Layla's eyes immediately widen as her hand fights to get out of her grip until Red eventually lets go and Layla cherishes her hand like she never has before. Red slightly peeking to look at Layla from the side of her eye every few seconds in guilt.

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