Chapter 19- Care

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Friday night..

"This boy that i've been talking to is here." Amy squeals excitedly as her and Layla walk in. Layla wearing a silk red dress, with a cut open back and black converse. Layla is here to drink and do drugs, she couldn't care less about any of the boys there, not like before.

"Well that's exciting." Layla eyes the kitchen table that has too much alcohol on it before Elle appears before them, "Layla." She let's out a sigh of relief.

Layla hums in response, now looking over Elle's shoulder at the drinks that are decreasing by the second.

"Plenty of older boys here, perfect for you, Layla." Amy teases before she smiles at Elle and walks over to a group of boys sat in the living room, the music getting louder every second that passes.

"You okay?" Elle questions, reaching for Layla's arm when Layla is walking past her and to the kitchen table, pouring herself a drink of basically 99% alcohol and 1% mixer.

"You're not actually gonna drink that-" Elle stops when she sees Layla downing it right in front of her, she stares in absolute shock, her jaw practically on the floor.

"Are you good?" Elle asks again after just having witnessed that. Layla rolls her eyes, "Oh Elle, get off my dick for just tonight will you? I'm here to get leathered, not have a therapy session." Layla rolls her eyes as she pours herself another drink before strutting away in annoyance.

Layla pushes past the crowds of people and when she finds herself nearing a quiet hallway she turns a corner and bumps into the last person she would want to see right now, Keegan.

"Oh, it's you." Layla disappointedly speaks, glaring up at him, her mouth curling in disgust. She sighs, a strong stench of alcohol filling the gap between the pair.

Keegan doesn't respond, just stares at her in a pitiful and fearful way. "Sorry Mr. too scared to speak cause he thinks Red will kill him." Layla speaks quickly, taking the piss out of him, his expression flickers to one of anger, sort of like he's biting his tongue before he says something Red will make him regret.

"Sorry Mr. i'm too much of a pussy." Layla attacks again. "Mr. my dick is so fucking small, i have to get dared to even speak to a girl." And at that she gets a slap to her face, setting her hysterical laughter at him off. It doesn't even hurt.

"You even hit like a girl." Layla chuckles to herself, drinking some more, her eyes deadly staring up at him as she sips. That one looks like it stung him a little as his eyebrows narrow whilst he gulps, attempting to hold back. "You bitch and whine like one too." Layla's eyes darken and so does her voice.

And then suddenly, Keegan hastily brings his lips to Layla's ear before whispering, "You're a fucking mess, get a grip on yourself." He spits, his voice laced in irritation and anger, before pulling himself away and walking off out of fear that if he'd stay longer he might get absolutely killed by Red this time.

"I'm a mess? I've never been better!" Layla shouts over her shoulder back at him but he's already gone, leaving her to look like she's fucking insane, the people in the hallway stare at her like she's completely lost it.

She tiredly sighs before heading out, finding more to drink.

Somewhere else in the house, a while later..

Red is sat on a leather couch, watching the people here do their own thing, she isn't drinking or smoking but it's something to do. Earlier tonight she attempted talking herself out of coming here knowing it will only tempt her, but she figured that if she watched people do drugs completely sober, then maybe it'd feel like she was doing them.

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