The beginning

612 36 45

Happily ever after?
(lengthy chapter)

"It had to be this way, everyone gets a happy ending, if not, you need to find something good about the ending and be happy about it."
"You're right, Taehyun, but not the ending. It's the beginning"
Taehyun smiled as he placed the flower into beomgyu's pocket.

"You're looking too good in white, the girls would be so mad at Yeonjun for stealing you away"
"Have you seen how Yeonjun looks? I'm pretty sure I would be the one the girls would be mad at!"
Both of them laughed out loud.

both boys looked at the door to see grandpa.
"Grandpa, come in!"
"Lovely, you remind me of your mother, everytime"
"I'm glad I do"
"Beomgyu, I thought I had lost you, her last relic..but you returned to me, because your lover was waiting for you, unlike hers"
Taehyun sighed, "grandpa, it's a happy day-"
"Yeah, I'm so sorry. Beomgyu, you wouldn't know this but actually, I was the cupid for you and yeonjun, wasn't I?"

Beomgyu chuckled, "yeah, when mom and dad used to be busy, you introduced me to this letter friend, the grandson of your best friend, indeed you were the cupid"
"Yeonjun's a little dumb though, he couldn't figure out it was you, in the beginning"
"But it's nice to know he would've loved me anyways, even if I wasn't his letter buddy"
"You've known it was him though?"
Beomgyu nodded, "I realised it when I was out of the country, I recalled seeing some letters of mine in his room"
"You're a smart kid, Beomgyu"
"Well, I get him. He got confused because of Bomi",Beomgyu scoffed.

"Choi Beomgyu, what are you waiting for? My friend is freezing in cold waiting for you!", Soobin said as he entered, then he stopped as he looked at Beomgyu.
"Oh you look.."
Beomgyu chuckled, "hello, soobin hyung, it's been a while!"
"Well, nobody told me about your sleep, I would've came and annoyed you a little"
Beomgyu smiled, "I'll be there in a minute"

Beomgyu's dad was absent like always. No one knew his whereabouts. Yeonjun's parents were both present and so was his grandfather, for the very first time.

Beomgyu walked down the aisle with his grandpa, reminiscing all the memories with every step he took.

Yeonjun was patiently waiting while he controlled his tears.


Beomgyu held Yeonjun's hands, "oh, you've been freezing"
"I know"
"Thank you, for rebirthing me twice. Once, when no one had hope in me, everyone thought of me as a child, you reframed me with your wisdom"
"It was all you, I just gave you some space"
"Second, when everyone lost hope that I could ever come back to life, you brought me back to life"
"You woke up and brought life back to me"
Beomgyu smiled as he cleaned Yeonjun's tears.

They took the vows. They were fated, it was known. It took thousands of lifetimes for them with their connected red thread of fate to be together with each other through this special bond.

"I now announce you married"


Beomgyu looked around to see Taehyun standing with the café girl, he smiled, "hyung, I never thought taehyun, the workaholic would fall in love"
Yeonjun smiled as well. Both boys got down the stage.

"Do you remember the last time you were up here?"
"Yeah, and that plan where you would kiss me"
"You suggested it"
"You wanted to kiss me though!"

Beomgyu and Yeonjun walked up to meet Yeonjun's grandfather who scoffed, "The letter friends got married, finally"
Beomgyu smiled. Yeonjun sighed, "Couldn't you have told me it was him?"
"What's the fun in it if I would have?"

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