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Chapter 24 :
"Don't you despise our boss, yujin?"
"why would I?"
"All he does is spend his time in that company which no ones knows about-"
"YET. I am very sure his company will rise up soon, he just began"
"Still, he rarely visits his 'café' he built to live a peaceful life"
"There are theories about that, anyways, are you done with your orders? Get them delivered.We will close early today"
"Because I have a date."


"A date? As in? Blind date?"
"No, I am going to hang out with boss"
"You're regarding it as a date? Stop with that bullshit. He is clearly someone else's."
"Huh? I thought he was single"
"Single but still taken. Better luck next time!", the boy, apparently named jihoon walked out of the shop, swinging his hand as a bye.

Yujin pouted, "is it the girl he mentioned whose family wanted to fund his company?"


Three years and seven months had passed. A lot changed.

Yeonjun opened a café, where he tried to assemble all his memories. A place where he could go to relive things, just because it felt nostalgic in there. He also started working on his company after graduating.

He was never into business but the idea of creating something and marketing it had him down bad and got him involved in the sector.

Wednesdays were the days he used to visit junior grandpa, who was diagnosed with high stress level. Everyone believed it was because of longing.

Longing for beomgyu. Grandpa wasn't the only one suffering from this but the other person hid it well.

Beomgyu? No clue. No one knew where beomgyu was. The last news from his was from around two years ago, which said he wishes to be alone, without any supervision. The helpers came back, respecting his demands. Phone calls became rare and then diminished down to zero.

Beomgyu picked up no phone, didn't reply to mails, responded in no way as if he was dead. Grandpa grew sadder every year, he only had Yeonjun to hold onto. Grandpa used to sit in his study all the time, wishing to see a glimpse of his grandson.

Yeonjun blamed Beomgyu sometimes, but he was worried. What if people are saying the truth? What if something actually happened to Beomgyu?


The company was being managed by Taehyun and Bomi. Bomi's mother was supposed to be out of jail soon, Beomgyu's father was so traumatised of the past happenings and being bullied by his wife, that he wasn't well enough to take care of the business.
The jobs which were supposed to be covered by Beomgyu were taken over by Taehyun and he got some help by Bomi.

Bomi, still had some hope that her and Yeonjun would work out some day, she even wished that Beomgyu would never return because this way her life is way better but then she regretted it and introspected about it.


Yeonjun reached home to meet grandpa. He walked in the study without knocking to see grandpa reading some letters. Yeonjun smiled, "Juniorpa, are we feeling well today?"

Grandpa panicked and hid the stuff under the table. Yeonjun raised his eyebrows, "hey, what are you doing? are those love letters?"
"Come on Yeonjun, the love of my life is not capable to write me letters now"
"Could be another simp, you know"
"It's just..a bank statement!"
"You were very invested for it to be a bank statement"
Yeonjun hurriedly snatched one of the papers. Grandpa stood up and started fake coughing.

Yeonjun threw the paper and poured him some water.
Yeonjun grew even more suspicious of the letters and picked up the paper again. He looked at juniorpa who was hiding his face.

Yeonjun opened the page and just a glimpse gave him a sudden ache in his head, many such letters started flashing in front of his. The paper dropped from his hands. He held his head and stood by the wall. Grandpa stood up and supported the boy.
"Are you okay, yeonjun?"

Yeonjun nodded. "You have been talking to him?"

Grandpa shook his head, "it was from a month ago. I could never answer him back, I just read what he sent to me. He sounds very mature now, he already knew great stuff about life but the bubbliness is missing somewhere"
"Grandpa, why didn't you tell me.."
"I am sorry yeonjun, I just couldn't. I couldn't tell you a lot more stuff"
"More stuff? What else grandpa?"
Grandpa sighed, "Some other day, Yeonjun"

Yeonjun sighed but then nodded. "Can I take one of them with me?"
"No, they are mine. You would've received too if you didn't keep changing addresses I guess"
"He wouldn't even remember me"
"What do you mean? You kissed him in front of thousands of people"
"It was fake"
"The spark wasn't"

[not proof read]

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