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Chapter 32 :
"Are you sure you are trying to sleep?"

Beomgyu ignored the question and pulled away to take a deep breath. Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu, "were you drooling on my neck or trying to do something?"
"It was just drool"
"Why is it stinging?"
Beomgyu shrugged and turned to the other side. Yeonjun chuckled, "hey, what is up with you?"
"I'm going back home"
"Be for real, it's midnight"
"You're too tempting"
Yeonjun started laughing and sat up, Beomgyu covered his face. Yeonjun removed his hands and held them together.

"What do you mean tempting?"
"Do I have to explain everything to you?"
"N-no, ofcourse not"
"I'm sorry for ruining your sleep, go to sleep. You still have fever"
Yeonjun pouted and laid down.

Yeonjun turned to look at Beomgyu who was facing the other side, Yeonjun pulled him towards himself. "It's still dark, you know".

Beomgyu turned towards Yeonjun and hugged him to sleep.


Yeonjun woke up and saw Beomgyu wasn't there. He felt better than yesterday, he walked outside to see dishes on the table. He rushed there to see a note, "You look pretty when you're asleep, didn't want to ruin that. Here is some breakfast, have a good day today. don't skip meals. Text me back when I text you. -Beomgyu"

Yeonjun scoffed and took the note in his room. He went to the washroom to take a bath, he looked in the mirror to see a red spot on his neck.

Yeonjun controlled his laugh, "you have grown up so much, choi beomgyu"

"Now what do I do with this?"

Yeonjun picked up some foundation, trying to cover the hickey Beomgyu had made.


"Where were you all night?"
"At Yeonjun hyung's"
"He was sick"
"Is he okay now?"
"Yeah, his temperature was normal in the morning"
"You gotta get ready for work"
"I'll be there in an hour, you can go ahead, taehyun"
Taehyun nodded and went out.


"oh? yeonjun hyung? I didn't know you are coming here"
"Taehyun? Oh, I'm here for my startup"
"You should get the relative benefit out of it then"
"Nope, I would wish for the investments to be completely unbiased"
Taehyun nodded.

"What is up with the closed first button?"
"I just wanted to look presentable"
"You look presentable everyday, with that face of yours"
Yeonjun chuckled.

Yeonjun suddenly felt an arm around his waist, he quivered as he felt it. Yeonjun stepped away a little and looked to his left to see Beomgyu. Yeonjun took out a sigh, "it's you"
"who else would dare to"

Taehyun cleared his throat, "Beomgyu, you might be needed on the stage"

Beomgyu nodded, "that's what I was here for". He walked towards the stage and turned around in between to mouth, "or not", making yeonjun control his urge to let out a chuckle.

Beomgyu speed walked to the stage in a little adorable way.

He did the formalities, very well. Yeonjun stood there proudly, completely forgetting that he was there as a ceo and not as Beomgyu's adoring hyung.

Gradually, the event proceeded, Yeonjun succeeded to get the investment of five out of thirteen big investors present.

The event ended with a satisfactory result for Yeonjun. Beomgyu walked towards Yeonjun, "Congratulations, Mr. Choi", offering a handshake.

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