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Chapter 31 :
"Taehyun, I'll get a little time after today's meeting right?", Beomgyu asked, getting out of the meeting room.
Taehyun looked into his tablet, "Beomgyu, take all the time you want. It must've been hectic for you to catch up with all the business"
Beomgyu nodded.

"We have an event day after tomorrow, just your presence would do the work."
"What is it about?"
"Proposals for supporting start-ups"
Beomgyu nodded and walked out of the elevator. He removed his blazer and waved at Taehyun, "See you at home, don't overwork yourself"
"It's been easier since you came back"
Beomgyu blew him a kiss and ran outside. He went to the parking lot and sat in his car, throwing his blazer on the other seat and loosening his tie.

He took out his phone and open his texts.

yeonjun hyung 🗑️

Hyung, where are you?

Beomgyu drove to Yeonjun's café, he hadn't seen him for a week because of work. He walked in and all the eyes were him, because his way of walking in was barging like he was there to rob the café.

Beomgyu shyed down a little. Jihoon walked to him, "oh, it's you"
"Is yeonjun hyung here?"
"No, he didn't come for two days"
"But yesterday he said he was here"
"Then it might've been after we closed"
Beomgyu nodded, he felt someone glaring at him.

"Does your co-worker have something against me?"
"Nah, she is just salty for everyone"
Beomgyu nodded and walked out.

He pouted as he saw his text was still unread. Beomgyu shrugged, "I'll come to your home if you're not replying"

and so, he drove to Yeonjun's house.

The door wasn't locked. Beomgyu got inside, ready to nag Yeonjun about it. But the lights were off and it looked like there was no one at the house.

Beomgyu removed his shoes and walked in, calling Yeonjun. The phone didn't rang.

"Maybe he rushed out somewhere", Beomgyu said.

He turned on the lights and walked to the kitchen and saw undone dishes. Beomgyu rolled up his sleeves and did the dishes while reminiscing the past.

Beomgyu cleaned his hands and took a look at the refrigerator to find his sticky note still being on there. Beomgyu smiled.

He suddenly heard the voice of glass falling, Beomgyu widened his eyes. "This is why he should've locked the doors, is there a thief in here?"

Beomgyu walked into Yeonjun's room, it was dark too. He turned the lights on to see a broken glass beside the bed and Yeonjun was laying down on the bed. The room, was a mess.

Beomgyu rushed to Yeonjun, carefully, not stepping on the glass pieces. He saw Yeonjun's finger bleeding, "Hyung, what happened?"

Beomgyu rushed outside and brought a broom and first aid kit after looking for it in the whole house.

He cleaned the glass pieces and helped Yeonjun sit up. Yeonjun looked very sick. Beomgyu treated Yeonjun's finger and went to the bathroom to clean his hands. He went to sit beside Yeonjun, "tell me how you're feeling"

"I'm fine", Yeonjun said, feebly. Beomgyu caressed Yeonjun's face, "Hyung, did you skip meals again?"

Yeonjun nodded, "I was a little busy".

"You still can't do that. Let's check your temperature", Beomgyu handed Yeonjun a thermometer.

As expected, Yeonjun's temperature was abnormally high. Beomgyu said, "let's go to the doctor?"
"It'll be okay, I don't need to go to the doctor for this"
Beomgyu sighed and walked outside, he wore the apron in the kitchen and starting cutting an apple. He placed the water to boil on the stove and prepared some vegetables for making soup.

Beomgyu walked inside and handed the plate of apple to Yeonjun, "this needs to be finished before I come back", and walked outside.

Beomgyu brought the soup after a few minutes. He made Yeonjun sit up and made him eat the soup.

"Thank you for taking care of me"
"No, thank you, for taking care of me"
Yeonjun scoffed and closed his eyes.

"You should head home now, it's getting late"
"I am staying"
"Come on, don't you have work tomorrow?"
"It won't make a difference if I don't go for a day"
"You should be serious about your work"
"I am serious about work, but I am more serious about you"
"Yes hyung?"
"Go change then"
Beomgyu smiled.

"wait, let me freshen up first, you can change in my room", yeonjun got up, weakly.

Beomgyu waited for Yeonjun in his room, after changing into Yeonjun's clothes. He looked around and walked towards Yeonjun's desk, looking at the board in front. Beomgyu held his head as a memory flashed right in front of his eyes.

"that is mine"

Beomgyu shook his head and took out a sigh, "it's not here anymore"
"what is?"

Yeonjun held Beomgyu's hand and pulled him into bed. "what isn't here anymore?"
"cleanliness, you have made a mess of your house"
"you know what beomgyu, I have always admired your clean freak behaviour, when I first went into your room, it was the cleanest room I had seen, and you kept it that way all the time"
"and here we have you"
"I was busy with work, I'll clean up later, I promise"
Beomgyu nodded and closed his eyes.

Yeonjun rested his face on his elbow as he turned to look at beomgyu. "How is work? How do you feel handling all of this?"
"It's alright, it's exhausting but there's taehyun who has already mastered all of this and he is always there with me"
"you'll be the best president, I assure you"
"if you say so. How about you? How is unemployed life?"
"Self employed, I would rather say. It's a bit hectic, but we'll make it"
"what is your game about?"
"It's a virtual world, where there's a storyline for every character and the choices the player makes and a duet world where the players can fight each other for their possessions"
Beomgyu opened his eyes, "that's so cool"
Yeonjun smiled.

Gradually, the awkwardness had lessened between the boys but it wasn't completely gone.

Yeonjun gasped, "Did you eat something yourself?"
"yeah, I had a heavy lunch, right now, I am just sleepy"

Yeonjun nodded. "did you tell juniorpa you're staying here?"
"Yes I did, now stop questioning me"

Beomgyu pushed Yeonjun down and placed his arm around him as he closed his eyes. "Can I close the light though?", Yeonjun whispered.

"No, it gets scary that way", Beomgyu yelled. Yeonjun got up and closed the lights, hurrying back to Beomgyu.

Yeonjun held Beomgyu close to him, "does it?"
"I guess not when with you"
"what if my fever transfers to you?"
"it's good actually. You're very very warm right now"
"what if your body temperature rises too?"
"No, it will be neutralized and your fever would be gone too, now shut up old man, I'm trying to sleep"
Yeonjun chuckled and closed his eyes. Beomgyu placed his head on Yeonjun's chest and closed his eyes as well.

After a few minutes, Yeonjun felt ticklish on his neck.
"are you sure you are trying to sleep?"

[not proof read]

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