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Chapter 38

Yeonjun changed into Beomgyu's favourite cardigan and one of Beomgyu's favourite khaki pants. He stood in front of Beomgyu's desk and tilted his head, wondering if he should search for some stuff. Yeonjun did so.

He opened the drawers and rummaged through the stuff, he found a LOT of drawings. Most of them being Yeonjun's portraits. Yeonjun was sleeping in some, eating in others and the drawings portrayed his so lovey-eyes, he only gave to beomgyu, so well.

Tears fell off Yeonjun's eyes. He cleaned them up and placed the drawings inside the drawer when his hand touched something cold. Yeonjun looked inside to see a key. He was confused as he picked it up.

He saw the number on the key and tried to search Beomgyu's room for the "3" number drawer, he finally found it in his washroom. Yeonjun opened the drawer to see letters. Tons and tons of letters stuffed inside that drawer.

Maybe the letters Beomgyu couldn't send to Yeonjun, maybe the ones that held Beomgyu's whole life after his mother passed away. Maybe these letters were full of grief and sadness.

Yeonjun took them all out and found one that was titled, "Happy birthday YJ", Yeonjun started reading that letter. It was written on the first birthday that came after Beomgyu stopped sending or receiving letters from Yeonjun.

After reading the letter, Yeonjun realised that Beomgyu also felt like he did. He didn't receive any letters Yeonjun sent to him because maybe they got forbidden by Mrs.Choi, he felt like Yeonjun forgot him just like how Yeonjun thought. He missed Yeonjun's comfort more than his mom's presence sometimes and it was visible in the letters he couldn't send.

Yeonjun took the birthday letter with himself and went downstairs to se Grandpa had prepared a huge cake and bouquet. Yeonjun smiled, "let's go juniorpa, he is going to be so happy".

Beomgyu might be in other realm, but some part of him is still with Yeonjun and it's a fact that cannot be denied.


Yeonjun and grandpa walked inside Beomgyu's hospital room to greet the lifeless body.

Yeonjun sat down and pulled out the cake, "Beomgyu, I couldn't make one for you..well..because I was too distracted by the letters"

"Did you know about it or were you just as clueless? If you knew, why didn't you tell me too? and if you didn't know, well, how does it feels to know that we both knew each other since we were kids? I was your...well, you used to send me letters! I am YJ, beomgyu"

Yeonjun held Beomgyu's cold like ice palm and rubbed it as he talked, "you should wake up soon, it's time for you to act up. It's your birthday! You cannot be wasting your own day staying like this"

Yeonjun chuckled, "you know what? Get some more rest, or else you'll get tired at the party tonight"

Grandpa placed his hand on Yeonjun's shoulder, "jun, hear me out"
"not now juniorpa, I am busy persuading beomgyu"
Grandpa sighed, "Yeonjun, he is not.."
"Juniorpa, please. Nothing negative today."
Grandpa sighed and rubbed Yeonjun's shoulder before leaving the room.

"Beomgyu, I wanted to sing you a lullaby, but I don't want you to keep sleeping, so instead I will read out the letters I wrote for you!"

Yeonjun smiled and pulled out the letters before adjusting his seating. He looked at Beomgyu's face and removed the mask after checking that his pulse was normal.

Yeonjun then got up and cleaned his face. "Get up you idiot, it's time for a haircut!", he caressed Beomgyu's hair.

Yeonjun sighed and sat down, "Okay, I will read out the letter now!"

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