Chapter Ninety

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You and Shiro moved quietly through the night, guided by the faint light of the moon. Your steps were purposeful as the two of you approached the looming silhouette of the abandoned building. The darkened structure stood like a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the night, its shattered windows and crumbling façade whispering tales of forgotten memories.

As you neared your destination, Shiro and you exchanged a silent glance, your shared determination notable in the hushed stillness. In the shadows near the building, Gray emerged, his silhouette coming into view. His presence was a stark contrast to the quiet surroundings, a touch of intrigue in the blank canvas of the night.

"It's about time!" Gray harshly whispered.

"We're not that late." Shiro rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Late is still late!" Gray said firmly, his expression somewhere between annoyance and a pouting child.

"It's not like we can just teleport here." Shiro countered, causing Gray's lips to part as he dramatically gestured to you.

"Yes, you can!" He whispered, "That's exactly what you can do!"

"You're being dramatic." Shiro brushed Gray off, stepping past him.

"You stopped for food on the way, didn't you?" Gray accused, walking after you and Shiro.

"We did not-" Shiro replies over his shoulder—you had long tuned your two bickering brothers out. Pushing past the creaking wooden door, you entered a damp, musty room with beams of moonlight piercing the gloom.

As you stepped into the poorly lit room, your keen senses on high alert, a faint sound reached your ears—a soft, almost imperceptible shift of someone stepping on the dirty floor. In a split-second reaction, you instinctively leaped backward, narrowly evading a vicious knife as it sliced through the air where you had just been standing.

"Haha!" A musical voice laughed, your annoyed glare zeroing in on the corner where the mysterious figure stood. "I thought I had you this time, Five!"

"Do you think it's wise to be wearing that?" You questioned, shoving your hands into your jacket pockets as the figure stepped into a beam of light. Their outfit, similar to yours with cargo pants and an oversized jacket, glowed as the number illuminated. "Considering you're supposed to be dead and all."

"Don't you worry-" The figure, known as 'One', smiled beneath her metal mask. "-I'm plenty careful."

"Being just careful won't cut it." Shiro chimed in. "One little slip-up, and it'll be exposed that you're not really dead and that will really fuck things up for us."

"Yeah-" Gray nods, "-we busted our ass so you could fake your death and get out from under Shooter—to help us get out—where the fuck have you been?"

"Hm." One hums, lowering her head to remove her mask. "Five was always the one to be the worrier out of us, but I don't think I recall you two being so pessimistic."

"Well-!" Shiro threw his hands in the air, "-being trapped under a sadistic nutjob for years will do that to a person!"

"I have really missed you three." One removed her mask, revealing a pretty girl with blond bangs framing her face and bright purple eyes.

"Then why did you leave us hanging!?" Gray exclaimed.

"I didn't." One replied, "You know as well as I do, that moving around when you're supposed to be dead isn't actually easy-"

"I don't care about any of this." You stepped forward, cutting the conversation short. "You know where Shooter is gonna be, that's what I care about."

"Always right to the point." One smiled, "Isn't that just like you, Five?"

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