Chapter Twenty Eight

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Aizawa stretched out in the teachers' lounge with a crisp new book in his lap, his lunch sitting next to him as he was about to dig in the door slammed open, causing him to slowly turn around.

"What are you doing-!?" The first-year teacher Aizawa spoke with at your party shouted.

"Uh...." Aizawa looked to his food than her. "...lunch break?"

"I'll watch your classes-" She spoke with her hands, "-just go!"

"But you said-?" Aizawa was confused.

"Forget what I said-" She brushed off, "-go!"

"Aizawa-!?" All Might come running in, "-do you know where she is!?"

"What is going on?" Aizawa looked from the two and their frantic expressions.

"Wait-" All Might shook his head, "-do you not know!?"

"Know what?"

"Here." The teacher pulled out her phone and shoved it into the lazed teacher's face. Aizawa blinked a few times letting his eyes adjust to the bright phone.

On the screen it appeared to be a standoff between a group of thugs and a few heroes. There was too much screaming to make out anything useful, Aizawa was about to turn to the two and question what they were on until he heard:

"Five look out!" Slidin' Go's familiar voice wasn't chipper like he was a few hours ago. Aizawa furrowed his brows, sitting up right as he watched in disbelief as you turned hearing Slidin' Go's voice. The gun shot echoed through the phone's speakers watching you get hit in the chest as you drop.

"Five is down-!" A voice cried through the phone. "Five is down!"

"What?" Aizawa blinked a few times, trying to gather his thoughts. "When..." Aizawa stood. "...When did this happen?"

"Half hour ago." All Might answered, "Now I need you to get on that app and find where (y/n) is."

"I'm not assigned to her-" Aizawa replied, "-I can't see-"

"She isn't at a hospital." All Might stepped forward. "Dr. Shuzenji hasn't seen her in the system."

"Then where is she?"

"I don't know!" All Might panicked, it felt like they were just starting to get somewhere with you! "We need to contact-"

"HPSC headquarters-!" The first-year teacher jumped looking from her phone. "-she is there!"

"How do you-"

"I have a friend who works there. They just seen her!"

"Why is she there?"

"Who cares!" All Might waved, "She was just shot, let's go!"

"Thank you-" Aizawa went to thank the teacher.

"Go!" She yelled waving at them. The two teachers ran from the room, the first-year teacher spun on her heel, eye caught by Aizawa's abandoned lunch.

All Might famously drove like a mad man the entire way.

"Do you feel like this is getting all too familiar?" Aizawa wondered, holding onto the car door as All Might cut through traffic.

"She's our kid-" All Might turned to Aizawa, "-I'll tare this city apart before I lose her again."

All Might didn't bother hunting for a parking spot, he drove right to the steps throwing the car in parking and jumped out ignoring the open door as they took steps three at a time. All Might was panting, sweat clung to his forehead as they burst through the glass doors.

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