Chapter Eighteen

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You pulled your injured shoulder back, allowing the figure to blow past you, kicking up dust. His arm flew out trying to grasp your wrist, your body weight rested weakly on the leg Necro shattered. You could feel the ligaments crying in protest, feeling as if needles were being jammed into the veins.

Having no choice other than to use your weakened leg as a support beam, you spun away from the right hook of your assailant, fire exploded inside your leg. He recovered first, feeling his presence behind you, your muscles tensed, using your elbow you slammed it backwards, feeling the hard muscles of his torso, a faint grunt of pain escaped him as you spun around watching him stumble back.

"What the hell!?" Katsuki as well as the others from his class walked through the front doors, absorbing the scene then broke out in a run.

He was fast like you, throwing his fist wide trying to take you down with a headshot, you blocked it with your arm the sting of the blow trailed up your arm into your spine.

"What the fuck-!?" Shiro boomed, forcefully gripping his jacket and pulling. Hawks glanced over his shoulder, using the power in his wings to knock Shiro onto his back, knocking the wind from his lungs. -ah-!" Shiro coughed as Gray helped him roll onto his side.

"You alright!?" Gray breathed, glancing over to you holding your own before turning back to Shiro. "Your side good!?"

"Yeah." Shiro groaned, getting to his feet with Gray clenching his arm. "Now I'm just pissed."

"What the fuck is he doing!?"

"Don't know-" Shiro shook his head, "-but I'm gonna fry myself up a bucket of KFC."

"Hawks-!" Aizawa and All Might intervened pulling the two of you apart, never giving the group of U.A. students a chance to aid. "-knock it off!"

"Who are you!?" Hawks pointed to you, eyes glaring with a rage you knew all too well.

"You attacked her-" All Might gestured. "-how do you not know-"

"You're not Five-" Hawks shook his head ignoring All Might, cold eyes never removing themselves from you. "-you're not her-" Disbelief filled his voice, "-I know Five."

"You have a funny way of greeting friends." Shiro and Gray walked over.

"Who are you people and what have you done with Five!?"

"Well, I guess I'll go fuck myself then." Shiro crossed his arms.

"Hawks." Aizawa stepped forward, placing himself in front of you. "What is going on?"

"I just got back from a mission." Hawked answered, "I saw the news and have been trying to call Five all morning and no answer!"

"Yeah-" Gray nodded, "-they took all our shit, phones included. We wouldn't answer." Hawks turns from him to you, searching for any sign of the friend he knew. You took a step closer to him, causing Katsuki to tense. His red eyes darted to Hawks, daring him to make a move with him here this time.

"Hey Feathers." You replied, placing your hand in your jacket pocket.

"Wha-" Hawks sucked in a breath, hearing the familiar nickname you gave him sending butterflies through his stomach. "-n-no!" Hawks shook his head, "-I would have known, Five would have told me if she was being held hostage by some villain!"

"I couldn't." You shrugged.

"Everything was recorded." Shiro added, earning everyone's attention, hungry for details. "Those masks we were forced to wear, they saw and heard everything we did."

"You should have found a way to tell me!" Hawks flipped around, eyes wide looking directly at you. You furrowed your brows; this wasn't like him. Hawks and you were similar in a lot of ways, one being you didn't show emotions very well. What has made him so frazzled?

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