Chapter Sixty Three

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"Alright-" Naomasa exhales, rubbing his throbbing forehead, "-let's break for lunch and continue afterwards."

You and Shiro rose from your seats, glancing around at the other officers all scattering through the door Naomasa went to hold open.

You moved to exit the room, Shiro held his phone with Gray on face time.

"With every meeting it feels more and more like they are just scraping my brain." Shiro gestures to his head.

"Are you guys gonna hang up on me?" Gray wonders.

Your eyes lazily flickered over to Naomasa, his posture rigorous as you and Shiro strolled past him, you felt the smirk growing watching as Naomasa's gaze struggled to remain on your masked face and off your ankle, he had a terrible poker face.

"I would never do such a thing." Shiro flashed a grin towards his phone, pulling your attention off Naomasa, you moved down the hallway, feeling the officer's eyes on your back, solidifying a wider grin on your face, loving his uneasiness.

"Mhm!" Gray rolled his eyes, kicked back in the lobby of the pediatric ward. "What fancy lunch do you two have this time?"

"Hey-!" Shiro craned his neck, gazing over his shoulder he watched a few of your classmates walking up. "-(y/n)-" Ochaco hopped over with Momo by her side. "-we wondered where you guys were, it's been days since-"

"Oh-" Shiro smirked, "-you've been thinking 'bout me?"

"I-I mean-!" Ochaco blushed, "-we-we I-I um-!?"

"We are meeting the others down at Lunch Rush, would you two like to join us?" Momo stepped in, pushing her babbling friend behind her.

"Mm..." Shiro glanced at you before turning to the girls. "...enjoy our break in peace before going back to getting drilled in the asshole with no lube or spend it with you..." Gray broke into laughter through the phone. "...yeah, I think I'd take the no lube."

"Why are you so rude!?" Momo huffed with a stomp of her foot.

"Aww-" Shiro leaned down, inches from her face, Momo's sharp eyes widened, heart fluttered. "-are you discovering you're not the center of the world, and no one cares about your money or big tits?"

"Wha-I-I" Momo's face heated, Shiro glanced over his shoulder quickly doing a double take, you had walked halfway down the hallway.

"Hey-!" Shiro spun, "-where you going-!?" He jogged after you, "-I have the food!"


"Welp-!" Shiro announced having settled, sitting back-to-back with you on the roof of U.A. This has been the place the two of you slip away from the prying eyes of the public. Shiro enjoyed this little moment, this was something you only did with the bird brain, he was beginning to feel you open up to him again. Speaking of bird brain, where has the feathery bastard been? "-they surprised me, those little garbage pail kids."

"What?" You furrow your brows, opening the lunch Aizawa made for the two of you.

"They not only saw me shift, but they helped you and Gray get me back...not everyone can do something like that. I mean the shortcake sat beside me watching that entire show and never once flinched when I moved. It is obvious they can handle big kid things in my awesome form or a dash of trauma or maybe even...someone having nightmares..."

He felt you tense, Shiro picked around the rice, it had been three days since blondie saw through your armor, and it had been eating away at you ever since, you had been avoiding not only him but everyone from your class. Shiro just did not know if shielding your scars from them was because they were a friend or a foe.

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