Chapter Eighty

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"What do you mean she's missing?!" Gray's voice rose, pushing aside the tent flap as you followed the worried parents outside.

"I was just talking to Aizawa, and then I turned around, and she was gone!" Renata's voice trembled, tears in her eyes. "He's searching for her, but I don't know where she could be!"

"Hey-" Gray wrapped his arms around Renata, comforting her. "-we'll find her, I promise."

"But with all those villains around, I'm so scared something terrible might-" Renata's voice broke as she covered her face with her hands—her engagement ring glittering in the sunlight.

"Nothing bad is going to happen," You interjected firmly, catching Renata's gaze.

"(y.n)?" Renata looked at you, her eyes pleading for reassurance.

"Renata, you stay here. Gray, head south, and I'll go west," You instructed.

"But you two are still recovering, you can't just go out and do hero work!" Renata's grip tightened on Gray's arm. "What if something happens to both of you?"

"Our current status doesn't matter." You responded resolutely.

"Why ignore your status?" Renata's confusion was evident.

"Because we're family-" You turned to her, "-that's simply what we do."


"Your fucking kid is missing!" You snapped, anger flaring in your eyes. "Shut the hell up and let us do our damn jobs!" With a fierce glare, you turned on your heel, not waiting for a response. Your eyes glowed yellow as you stepped into the nearby tent's shadow, plunging into the cool, dark atmosphere within.

You quickly navigated through The Deep's labyrinth of windows, your search becoming increasingly frantic as you scanned various scenes to find the missing child. Oxygen was becoming a precious commodity, your lungs begging for relief from this poisonous sea.

You were considering returning to the medical tent where Shiro and Renata awaited, a sudden burst of pink caught your eye and urged you to backtrack. In the room, Kana cried as you spotted her taking refuge behind an overturned table. Relief washed over you – she was alone.

Stepping into the room you approached Kana with a reassuring smile, "Kana, it's ok I'm here-" You were abruptly interrupted by an intense flash of light that seared your vision, you stumbled backwards. Blinking through the disorienting brightness, you found two figures laughing together sadistically at your disarray.

"What is this-?" You growled, frustration tingeing your voice. "-some buddy system you morons have? Kana get behind me-!" You turned to the little girl hugging herself.

Kana, trembling, rose to her feet, her tear-filled eyes reflecting an iridescent glow as she swiftly turned and, to your astonishment, pulled out a gun. The sharp sound of a gunshot echoed through the room as searing pain surged through your side. Your gaze fell to your abdomen, where the syringe was steadily releasing its contents. A cold apprehension seized you.

"Aunt (y.n)-?" Kana's voice quivered, a mix of innocence and distress as your eyes returned to normal. "Oh!" Her face contorted with regret, and the gun slipped from her grasp as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" She sobbed; her voice heavy with the weight of coercion. "They forced me, Aunt (y.n)! I'm sorry-!"

Kana's wails seemed to merge with the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins as the drug's effects took hold. The rims of your eyes began to radiate a faint glow, the light quickly spreads, consuming your entire eye.

Harnessing the newfound energy, you unleashed a surge of freezing power, propelling Kana forcefully into the wall. In an instant, a dome of ice encased her, capturing her within its frozen grasp.

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