Chapter Thirty Eight

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Shoto and you stared at one another, seconds dragged by feeling like minutes. You furrowed your brows not understanding why he wasn't striking. Your eyes glazed past him, for the first time since being discovered you allowed yourself to brush over their faces. Little bubbles mixed with anticipation and anxiety fill your chest.

You rolled your eyes reading Shoto's uncertainty in his body language, so you stepped into the swift strike. Flames ignited in the palm of your hand, and you had to felt good wielding the embers after such a lengthy time frame. It felt like a long stretch after being cooped up in a cramped seat for hours.

It surprised you when Shoto sidestepped the red flames instead of matching them with his own. You pinched your brows, allowing the fire to fizz out. You looked over to All Might and Aizawa who both looked equally confused.

You shrugged then assertively broke into a march, your hips swayed as fire danced in your hands, licking up the sides of your arms. You lifted your ponderous arm aiming in Shoto's direction but again he ducked. You followed him with the stream spinning yourself in a circle of flames.

Mina's heart fluttered in her chest watching you emerge from the ash of your flames searching out your opponent. She hugged her hands into her chest as her excitement was becoming too hard to contain.

"You know the point of this is to attack back, right?" You questioned; your voice felt like needles piercing Shoto's body.

"I-I don't want to hurt you." Shoto honestly admitted. You felt the devious smirk slide across your lips, knowing they couldn't see it you fought back the laugh trickling from your chest.

"Don't worry about that-" You replied, "-you won't be able to."

"Todoroki-" Mr. President's voice called, "-it's ok, if (y/n) wasn't up to this test, we would never have approved it."

"I..." Shoto shook his head, this didn't feel right to him.

"Let's go-" You egged on, "- you peppermint bitch."

"Wh-What?" Shoto was caught off guard, your back faced the class.

"Fire and ice, let's see who's gotten better." You followed up, Shoto studied your masked face but caught the mischievous gleam in your eye. Shoto took an unsteady breath then nodded as a small smile crawled across his face as the muscles in his back loosened.

Why was he so nervous?

After all this was you in front of him.

"Alright." Shoto pulled on his jacket before igniting his fire quirk on the left side of his body causing you to follow suit. A sharp pain rushes through your left arm, causing you to ball your fist knowing your arm was over before the fight even began.

Shoto shot his tunnel of starved flames, you were quick to match his attack. The two fire quirks slammed into each other; the heat wave shot through the gym. Mina had to cover her face from the inferno blaze.

Your footing shook as every wound, every scratch, every bruise on your body groaned in protest. Your eyes flickered to the right, seeing the storm of ice sprinting its way towards you. Lifting your left arm to counter the sleet, your jaw locked at the jolt of pain as your arm disobeyed, falling limp to your side.

You were quickly losing distance between yourself and Shoto's flames and with his ice on its way you cursed under your breath as you broke from the standoff. Jumping sideways as the ice and fire clashed together you went to catch yourself on your left leg, but it gave out with an anguish cry causing you to have to roll.

"She isn't ready for this." Recovery Girl observed your jagged movements. Bakugo turned to Recovery Girl, wondering what she meant by that. If you weren't ready for this test, All Might and Aizawa wouldn't be allowing it, right?

Mine (Bakugo x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora