Chapter Seventy One

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Bakugo leaned against the couch, arm resting on the back behind Mina, both continuously glancing towards the forever unforgiving clock, slowly ticking away.

Bakugo felt his eye twitch, Kirishima and Midoriya sat across on the second couch, Midoriya nervously bounced his leg, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans—he planned on asking you to join him and his mother with All Might when they went to the festival tomorrow as a family.

Toru, Jiro and Momo sat on the floor around the coffee table painting each other's nails.

"Fuck that and fuck you!" Your voice muffled against the television, Bakugo frowned, glancing at Mina before the two of them flew up, Bakugo jumped over the couch with Midoriya hot on his trails.

The front door was almost ripped off its hinges as the group made their way outside, the warm air brushed over Bakugo's arms as he jumped down the stairs. His scarlet eyes flickered between you and Gray, who stood nose to nose, neither backing down.

"What's going on here?" Kirishima tried to be the one to defuse the situation.

"Both of you knock it off!" Shiro stepped on Kirishima's plans, inserting himself in-between you and Gray, Bakugo's warmed hands grabbed your wrist, pulling you into him seeing you didn't plan on budging. "Holy shit I'm too old for this!" Shiro glared at his brother than at his beloved sister.

"What happened?" Midoriya blinked, glancing between you and Gray who still matched each other's glares.

The three surviving bullets were always so...united in Midoriya's eyes, to see you and Gray at each other's throats felt wrong.

"I'm going to walk Gray to the car waiting to take him home-" Shiro ignored Midoriya. "-then I'm going to take a shower because I have swamp ass, can I trust no one will do anything stupid until Monday when we are all back in hell?"

You didn't reply.

"I'm not the one-" Gray started up.

"Finish that fucking sentence and I'll put your ass on the ground!" You seethed.

"Is that a threat!?" Gray tried to step up, but Shiro pushed him back.

"Does it sound like a fucking compliment!?" You shot back.

"Alright-!" Shiro shoved Gray towards the front gates, tired of giving Class C1-A a show. "-go-!" He pointed to Gray, before turning to you. "-inside, and stay there, you still have a price tag on your head."

Rolling your eyes, spinning on your heel you shoved past Bakugo, ignoring the warmth his hands brought as they trailed down your arm.

"-I mean it Five-" Shiro called over his shoulder, causing you to turn around, locking eyes, "-no bullshit."

Once again you didn't reply, reverting back to your original ways, you sorely hopped up the stairs, ignoring the confused stares of your classmates and his burning gaze on your back, you entered the dormitory.

In your room you settled at the two-person table, stretching your leg outward you pulled your gun, annoyingly pulling the clip and removing the bullets.

Cleaning your gun had always helped calm your nerves, the mindless task was always a welcomed chore. However, with each bullet slipping between your fingers, the more rage began to build, your chest felt compact, you could hardly breathe. You slammed the clip down, feeling the effects of the day taking their toll, you lowered your head onto your hands with only one question closing in on you.

How were you going to get those two out of this one?

Your bedroom door opened just then, instantly you locked your jaw, just wanting to be alone and not listen to Shiro's nagging. You turned, heart instantly stopping—Bakugo stood in the doorway, plate in hand—he glanced around your room before shutting the door behind him.

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