Chapter Eighty Five

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"Why the hell aren't we going right now!?" You stood, Shiro quickly followed.

"They can't meet us until tomorrow night." Shiro reasons, "You know how this life works, timing is everything, they can't safely meet us until then."

"What else did they say?"

"That's it." Shiro defends, "Just that they know where he will be-"

"Where he will be?" You repeated, "So they don't know where he is right now?"

"I'm giving you all I know." Shiro sighed. "There is nothing we can do until tomorrow."

"This is bullshit." You declared.

"I agree." Shiro nods.

"Does Gray know?"

"Yeah." Shiro shakes his head, "He will meet us there."

You run a hand through your hair, looking out over the courtyard.

"So, are you going with Blondie tomorrow?"

"What?" You turned to your brother. "No fucking way am I going now!"

"Why not?" Shiro frowned, "We have twenty-four hours to kill, might as well go enjoy the free rides and food so you're not stuck here going out of your mind from waiting."


"Bring me back food."

"I'm not going." You declared, "They could text back and move up the time."

"If that happens then I will message you." Shiro reasons with you.


"But I want food from there-" Shiro pouts, "-I heard it was really good."


"I wish I could go and take your place, but you see-" Shiro dramatically places a hand on his sling. "-I am injured from the bullet I took for you."

"Oh, fuck off!" You rolled your eyes, "Your stunt wasn't necessary, and you know it."

"Don't downplay my sacrifice!" Shiro stomped his foot.

"I had your jacket on!" You countered, "It would have taken the bullet and we all would have been just fine."

"Don't waste a perfectly good ticket!" Shiro replied, "Plus, Blondie probably went through a fuck ton of trouble to do all of this for you!"

"Why is that on me!?"

"Don't you like him!?"

"I-I-" You cleared your throat, Shiro sighed, reaching out placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Just go, see how it is with him."

"I-" You trail off, avoiding Shiro's gaze. Your brother read through your armor and softly smiled.

"(y.n), I know it's hard to face the truth, that maybe you two aren't compatible anymore, that maybe you're too different and you can't pick up where you left off...but, you can't ignore this forever, you have to face it. If not for you, then do it for him."


"Whatever happens-" Shiro cups the side of your face. "-I'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

"Fine." You sighed, "I'll go..."

"Was that so hard?"

"But if the Cobbler messages you, you better call me the second after."

"I promise." Shiro laughed, gazing down at your annoyed face, he slowly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "If you need me call, and I'll come running."

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