Chapter Forty Three

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Bakugo rested against the propped-up pillow; the paperback book tucked comfortably in between his hands as he escaped into his mind.

'Click, click, click'

A rhythmic clicking sound caused a vein to prude on Bakugo's forehead. He looked around the still room. Who the hell was making such a cacophony sound!? Bakugo ran his tongue over his bottom lip, he just wanted some peace and quiet!

Bakugo frowned, pinching his face he turned to the wall on his right. He stayed perfectly stiff, his ears searching out the irksome noise.

'Click, click, click'

There it was again.

Bakugo felt his heart skip, realizing the sound was coming from your room. Closing the book, forgetting to mark his place, he threw the blankets from his legs. He knew you had gone off with All Might and Aizawa earlier today to get a checkup from your doctor. His bare feet pattered against the tile of the flooring, making his way downstairs, the dorms were quiet.

It was one of those rare nights where everyone was off doing their own thing. Bakugo loved these types of nights, where he was left alone and not constantly nagged by that damn Starburst or sharp toothed red head.

Bakugo stepped into his kitchen, flipping the lights on he pulled fresh ingredients from the fridge and began chopping the chosen vegetables as he began to cook one of the many recipes he created throughout the years. He always wondered what your feedback would have been.

Pouring the steaming contents into a bowl, he grabbed a spoon before turning the lights off and heading back upstairs.

At your door he hesitates, but only for a second, swallowing the lump in his throat, he gives a quick knock. He heard the clicking hesitate but only for a moment before continuing.

"Tch." Bakugo clicks his tongue, feeling the side of his head throb out of annoyance. Taking a page from Mina's book, Bakugo turned the doorknob and walked in.

Bakugo was met with an annoyed expression, the first thing he noticed was the cloth laid over the table you sat at with your handgun disassembled before you, was that what he had been hearing?

"It's rude to enter without permission."

"It's rude to ignore when someone is knocking!" Bakugo shot back.

"I should start locking that door." You mutter, turning away from him, back to the task at hand.

"Tch." Bakugo frowned, feeling insulted how you could pull your focus off him so quickly. He could barely rip his attention away from you for three damn seconds, yet there you sat returning to the mindless task of cleaning your gun and ignoring him. "Here." Bakugo steps into the room, holding the porcelain bowl, steam dancing off the surface.

The crimson eyed hero didn't give you a choice; he shoved the bowl in front of you, careful not to knock any of the gun's contents onto the floor. You stared at the murky liquid, neither of you took the first step to breaking the awkward tension.

Bakugo's heart pounded inside his chest, he felt his hands sweat, he quickly wiped them on his sweatpants before looking back over to you. You stared down into the bowl as if there were live fish swimming around in there. Bakugo quickly realized he didn't know what to say, or how to talk to you, he didn't realization caught him off guard as he took this still moment to gaze around your room.

Bakugo furrowed his brows, recalling how your room used to look before-Katsuki shakes his head, refusing to dip back into the memories of him sitting beside your grave. He went back to looking around the unpacked room. There was no spec of personality in here, boxes remained untouched in the corner of the room. He noticed the bedding and pillows were neatly placed on one of those boxes, he turned to your bed, seeing it was bare.

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