Chapter Forty

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Class C1-A followed Aizawa through the halls of U.A.

"Where are we going?" Sero questioned, gazing out the window sat the brightly colored day, wishing to be outside in the sun. Mina glanced at the side of Aizawa's head, seeing the never changing monotony expression plastered across his face. Mina wanted to add into the mixing pot of questions, where were you? You were officially a U.A. student again yet you weren't here with them.

"You know normal teachers tell their students what they will be doing." Sero continued to point out.

"Yeah-" Kaminari agreed, "-they even tell them weeks in advance."

Aizawa and class pulled up to Gym Gamma, Aizawa lazily turned.

"Today we will be working with Class B-"

"Ugh-!" The collective group groans at the thought of having to deal with their rival class. Aizawa opens the door, instantly the roar of gun fire rang throughout the students' ears causing a few to jump at the sudden loud noises.

Positioned by the front door was Pro-Hero GunHead sitting ideally by his arms crossed over his chest, he turned to see the last class had entered.

"Someone is late-!" He sang while standing. Mina leaned over to the side, eyeballing past GunHead's shoulder to see Class B lined-up in a neat row to the right shooting at black board looking targets that had been lined up against the stone wall.

"GunHead!" Ochaco bounced to the front of the class.

"Uravity!" GunHead kittenishly bounced back, "It's been a while since I have seen you! How are you doing with improving your combat skills?"

"I am doing so much better-!" Ochaco punched the air, "-I can't wait to show you my new moves!"

"I can't wait-" GunHead chuckles but was cut off by Aizawa's hardened gaze. "-oh, you're no fun." GunHead pouts but shoots Ochaco a playful wave, "We'll talk later."

"Ok." Ochaco giggles causing Bakugo's eyes to roll.

"Now-!" GunHead clears his throat, "-each of you grab a pair of earmuffs and eyewear and go wait over there by that table-" GunHead instructs with his boisterous tone to get his words over Class B's shooting.

"Why do we need to wear this stuff?" Camie wrinkles her nose glaring at the pair of safety glasses in her hands.

"Because it's loud in here and your hearing can be damaged-" GunHead replied with a wave for her to move on and follow Ochaco. "-and you should always protect your eyes-"

"But I don't want to wear these." Camie gestured to the clear glasses in her hand, knowing it would mess her foundation up.

"This is not an option." GunHead frowns, Camie rolls her eyes with a scoff leaving her lips, she snatches the sanitized shooting earmuffs and stomped her way after her classmate.

GunHead flips over to Aizawa dramatically gesturing to Camie, wondering what her attitude was about, all Aizawa did was wave him off.

Class A gazed with open mouths at the long table pushed against the wall in the corner of the gym. It had been lined with rows of different types of firearms, magazines and boxes of ammo. It all caused stars to dazzle in Kaminari's eyes.

"Please tell me we get to play with these!" Kaminari spun around as the two teachers joined the young heroes in the corner of the room.

"No." GunHead sternly answered causing Kaminari's smile to shrink. "We aren't going to play with these. These are not toys for your enjoyment, these weapons can be seriously dangerous."

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