Chapter Sixty Two

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Shiro and You moved in silence through U.A. once you stepped outside both Shiro and you were blinded by the foreign sun. You had to shield your eyes, stumbling down the stairs.

"Looks like their whole, 'if your inside U.A. grounds you don't have to be on a leash'-" Shiro mocked, "-thing wasn't total bullshit."

You nod, too tired to voice a reply.

"I can't believe they fell for like the oldest trick in the book-" Shiro groaned, rubbing his sore shoulder. "-it couldn't have been more obvious even if Tank was face fucking the camera-"

"Seriously?" You didn't need the image in your head.

"I'm just saying!" Shiro defends, "How the hell can we rely on Naomasa and his so-called team if they are falling for Puzzles basic ass tricks?"

"We can't." You and Shiro locked eyes, after a second he faced forward, lips pulled into a tight line.

It was clear now, until Shooter is six feet deep, Shiro knew he, Gray and you would constantly be looking over your shoulder, waiting for the next shoe to drop, waiting for Shooter to make his next move, this constantly being suspended in flight or fight mode was no way to live, he knew because it's all you three had been doing for years to stay alive.

Shiro moved his gaze from the brightly colored grass, hearing Class C1-A.

"Aw-" Shiro yawned, "-look, it's Mr. Self Absorbed himself."

"He isn't like that." You defended All Might, who was waving you and Shiro over to him having spotted the two of you.

"Oh, defending now, are we?" Shiro smirked at your annoyed glare.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Only if you watch, Princess."

"Don't call me that, and you can't afford me."

"Oh, only Blondie can?"

"It's like you want to get shot again."

"Hang on to that thought and cover for me." Shiro spun around you, headed off in a different direction. You furrowed your brows, "I'm gonna give our little cobbler a call, see if he has any new leads to those shoes I asked for."

You nod, understanding, turning back around shoving your hands into your pockets you joined All Might's side.

"Where is Shiro going?"

"To call his brother." You reply not moving to look All Might in the eye. Bakugo and Midoriya were on the field in a hand-to-hand fight, there was more trash talk going on than actual fighting...

"Ah-" All Might nods, "-it's good he is staying in touch with his family while here."

"Mm." You hummed a response, All Might grinned ear to ear at this, you weren't just ignoring him like you had been, this was progress after two long weeks!

"How did the meeting with Naomasa go?" All Might wondered, already knowing due to his friend texting him.

"Peachy." You reply, finally glancing in his direction. "I'm surprised you didn't come busting into the room."

"Yeah well-" All Might nervously laughed, "-Aizawa texted me, explaining the situation, that's why I have your class out here actually, to calm them down."

"Calm them down?" You repeat with a frown, glancing to the sidelines, instantly noticing Mina had been staring you down, she grinned, frantically waving to you. You just turned back to All Might for more of an explanation.

"Aizawa had your meeting under control, I went to your class to fill them in on what was going on."


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