Chapter Twenty Two

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"I have to say-" Dr. Aimi sat across from you in her dark leather chair. "-it is very good to see you again (y/n)."

You breathed; arms crossed leaning against the soft couch facing her. When you awoke in the morning you were informed you would be attending therapy once again. It was the only thing Aizawa, and All Might could come up with at three in the morning.

"I talked to those other two earlier today." Dr. Aimi continued, having been prepared for your lack of words. "They seem spritely." This caused you to roll your eyes and the action surprised the doctor. "You don't like them?" Dr. Aimi sat up, staring intensely at you, having been told your distaste for the two by the two boys. She wondered if this was truly the case, or something else?

But no words slide through your lips, you didn't want to be here.

"Then why did you get into that car?" Dr. Aimi leaned forward, "When Shooter came for you, why didn't you run back into the school? Why did you fight so hard for Gray and Shiro if you want nothing to do with them at all?"

"They are family." You simply stated, your voice lightly shocked the doctor.

"You view them as family but-"

"You don't pick your family." You retorted. "I don't have to like them to not want to see them dead."

"Hm." She leaned back, fiddling with the pen in her hand. "If you don't like them, why do you trust them-?"

Two large men threw you to the floor, the man in the stiff black suit stood in the shadows of the wall. You jumped to your feet gazing around the large office. Your eyes scanned over the man with the crooked sneer, leaning on the front of his desk watching your every move.

"Who are you?" You questioned, "Why-?"

"Why are you here-?" The man cut in shaking his head, moving to the wall containing his booze. "-why are you doing this? Blah, Blah, Blah-" He sighed pouring himself a drink. "-your questions are so...boring."

"I feel like they're pretty standard." You replied glancing at the two meatloaves behind you guarding the door.

"Hm." The man smirked, "I like the fire in you."

"Who the fuck are you!?" You openly snapped.

"I go by many names-" He replied, swirling the dark liquor around in his glass. "-but you can call me Shooter."

"Good for you." You nodded, searching every corner and crack on the wall for a way out. "Why am I here?"

"I have been watching you-" Shooter went back to leaning on his desk. "-for some time now (y/n)-"

"I don't know if I should feel flattered or run."

"We both know if you could run, you would have by now."

"Touché." You muttered.

"(y/n)?" Dr. Aimi's voice pulled you back to her office, you looked up from gazing at the floor. "Where did you go just now?"

"I don't trust anyone." You replied her question.

"What?" The good doctor blinked confused.

"I can't."


"Because the two people I thought would never turn on me...turned on me." You answered, ready to get out of this room which was over filled with vanilla rose scent. "The people I thought would never hurt me...hurt me. It didn't matter what was placed in front of me, I knew I could handle it because I knew who was behind me. But the two I thought would never leave me...left-"

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