Chapter Seventy Five

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Entering the festival was akin to stepping into a vibrant world of celebration and joy. The air buzzed with excitement, as if every laugh, cheer, and playful shout wove together a tapestry of happiness. The atmosphere was alive with an infectious energy, and it was impossible not to get caught up in the spirit of the event.

"Wow-!" Mina spun her agape. "-this is amazing!"

"You're telling me!" Kirishima laughed, as the aroma of delectable food wafted through the air, teasing his senses and stirring his appetite. The scent of freshly popped popcorn mingled with the rich aroma of grilled meats, and the sweet fragrance of cotton candy intertwined with the savory allure of street food delicacies. The symphony of smells was a feast in itself, leaving him eager to taste every culinary delight the festival had to offer.

"I didn't know it was going to be this extravagate." Mitsuki was in awe, the colors of the festival dazzled her scarlet eyes, creating a kaleidoscope of hues that painted the scene. Vibrant banners fluttered in the breeze, and colorful decorations adorned every corner, transforming the surroundings into a whimsical wonderland. Children ran around with face paint and balloon animals, adding their laughter to the jubilant chorus.

"Look over there-!" Momo points, "-there's a stage, I didn't know they would have a live band here!"

Strains of lively music filled the air, emanating from various stages and booths scattered throughout the festival. The rhythmic beats and melodious tunes beckoned people to dance and sway, creating a sense of unity and togetherness.

"Yeah-" Mina turned, "-it's a pretty popular one, I'm surprised they were able to book them for this-"

"Come on!" Momo grabs Mina's arm.

"Wh-What!?" Mina gets dragged away by Momo. "But-!" Mina's head snaps around, wide eyes taking in your bored expression as she was dragged into the crowd.

"Hey-" Kirishima walked up; a smile plastered across his face. "-you know what would be fun, we should go grab a coffee before trying to find Gray and everyone else." Kirishima offered, spotting the displeased expression on your face from the growing crowd of people.

You nod, stepping into a lazed walk following the bright redhead towards a nearby bean juice stand. Eri—who had remained glued to your leg, followed.

Mitsuki frowned, glancing at her son who bickered with Midoriya behind her about who could win the most festival games. She narrowed her motherly eyes, observing how Kirishima shyly rubbed the back of his neck when he spoke to you, how his hand seemed to keep trying to touch your lower back as you three stood in line.

"Hm." Mitsuki hummed, uncrossing her arms, turning on her heel she walked over, slapping both Shiro and Bakugo in the back of their heads.

"Ow!" Bakugo glared turning around. "What the hell!?"

"Where is (y.n) right now?" Mitsuki calmly questioned, Bakugo's eyes instantly widened, his gaze dashed around his surroundings as Shiro simply rolled his orbs, pointing over his shoulder.

"Box dye has her." Shiro answered, "He bribed her with coffee."

"What!?" Bakugo spun around, spotting you standing beside Kirishima ordering for you.

"Aren't you supposed to be guarding her?" Mitsuki crossed her arms, glaring up at Shiro.

"I am."

"How?" Mitsuki shot back, "She is way over there, what if something was to happen how could you react in time!?"

"Why are you yelling at only me and not Sparky here?" Shiro nodded to Bakugo who shot him a glare, Mitsuki stared Shiro down who let out a deep breath.

"Fine." Shiro threw his arms up, "I'll go ruin box dye's one shot."

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