Chapter Forty One

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"I'm tired!" Kaminari who had collapsed on the floor whined. It took another unbearable two hours for the remaining Class A and B students to pass their exercise. After everyone but Camie passed, they helped clear the floor, pack GunHead up who quickly waved goodbye and left.

"I wonder what's next." Pony yawned.

"I can only imagine." Toru muttered back; the two classes sat around the gym floor waiting for further instructions.

"I'm looking forward to it-" Awase stretches, "-Five is pretty cool."

"Yeah." Kamakiri nods causing Class A to glare feeling territorial. The new emotion couldn't be digested long for the gym doors opened and in walks Aizawa, Vlad, Cementoss and you.

Bakugo nodded in approval seeing the sling was back on your arm.

"Alright-!" Vlad King cracks his knuckles. "-are we ready for the next assignment?"

"Yeah!" Class B jumps to their feet feeling pumped! Midoriya frowns as he slowly gets up, brushes the dust off his pants. Class B's positive upbeat attitude used to be how his class was, what changed? The greenette turned to you, was it because Class B got your attention and Class A didn't?

Without warning the floor began to shake, the students braced themselves as the cement floor began to twist and rise, creating deep trenches as the group rose on a platform.

"Whoa." Sero looked down at the darkened trench. "What is this?"

"Welcome to your next challenge!" Vlad King shot his hands in the air, "Capture the flag!"

"Huh?" The two classes tilted their heads, not expecting something so...simple to come from you. You smirked seeing the confused looks as you stepped forward you slid off your jacket leaving you in your simple shirt and cargo pants.

"This isn't a regular game of capture the flag." You explained further as both Aizawa and Vlad King held two large boxes, they opened them to reveal black .7mm pistols.

"Are we gonna shoot each other?" Bondo looked over at Tokage.

"Close." You nod taking one of the guns, "You will not be using live ammo this time." You slid out the magazine, taking out an oddly shaped bullet from the clip before holding it up. "These are nero bullets-" You explain, digging in your pocket for a second bullet type. "-and this is a tranquilizer bullet. Both will be used during this exercise."

"Everyone lines up and takes one." Aizawa held up the box, the students quickly did as told.

"Each of you have one clip-" You called holding yours up to show them what it looks like. "There are refill stations below-" You gestured down to the trench.

"We-We gotta go down there!?" Kaminari began to sweat. As the words left his mouth lights flared to life below, lighting the pathways of Cementoss's homemade maze.

"What the-?" Momo frowned but saw Midnight sticking lights around the walls of the maze.

"Your objective is to capture the other team's flag-" You explained, "-while dealing with being under constant fire."

"F-Fire!?" Mineta shivered.

"Um-" Pony raised her hand.


"What are nero bullets?" Pony questions causing a sinister smile to creep across your face.

"If shot by the nero bullets-" You explain, "-a serum will be injected into your skin, simulating the pain of a real gunshot." Mutters broke out among the crowd. "It only lasts a couple minutes." You added, "Once you have shot an opponent, you are to not shoot them twice. If you do, then I shoot you twice."

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