35. Mid Air

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Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen out now!

Can't catch me now/ Severus snape out now!
King of the world/ Roose bolton out now!

Rhaenyra was in a mood. Rightfully so, she lost her aunt and her best friend and her father and only gained a stupid half brother that the world was claiming to love so damn much.

"Hey! Slow down!" Avalon requested chasing after Rhaenyra.

"I'm going for a ride." RHaenyra grumbled.

"I will come with you." Avalon agreed.

"No. I want to be alone-"

"Well we can be alone in the sky and just so happen to by flying near each other." Avalon suggested. She knew Rhaenyra was feeling left out but that was the thing with moody teens, they wanted one thing but they did the opposite, she wanted her aunts company but she didnt want to be near anyone at the same time.


"Niece." Avalon sassed. "Come on, just a flight. You dont have to make a big deal about it."

"You and the princess Avalon have been spending a lot of time together." Otto remarked. "Shes been a good influence on you. Helped you it seems. Fit into this role."

"Yes." Alicent agreed.

"Good." Otto agreed. They walked in silence for a long moment before.

"Good talk." Alicent offered before heading off.

"Yep." Otto agreed heading in the opposite direction

Alicent watched as Rhaenyra and Avalon landed. Rhaenyra slid down and marched off.

"Yep that was great!" Avalon agreed rolling her eyes. Avalon noticed alicent and waved her over.

"Mouse is such a handsome dragon." Alicent remarked.

"He really is." Avalon agreed.

"Is rhaenyra alright? I saw her run off."

"Shes... i dont know." Avalon admitted. "I dont want to talk about rhaenyra," avalon kissed Alicents temple. Alicent leaned into Avalon contently. She adored avalon so much. Every moment with her lifted alicents day.

"You want to go for a ride?"

"Ride?" Alicent questioned raising an eyebrow.

"On mouse silly girl." Avalon corrected.

"Thats what I was thinking." Alicent mused.

"Come on." Avalon pulled her up. Alicent wrapped her arms around avalon and once they were in the sky it was their own personal fortress. Mouse flew as he pleased keeping them level to move about his back.

Alicent watched avalon stand up and she tensed. Avalon moved to the wing and walked carefully over the strong sturdy meidan of his shiny white wings.

"Avalon be careful!" Alicent shrieked.

"Im perfectly fine." Avalon assured. "Whats life without a bit of danger?"

"I like a bitnof danger with my feet on soild ground." Alicent countered as avalon made her way back to alicent.

" Scooch up." Alicent did as instructed and awkwardly grabbed the reigns. "Fly us around." Avalon requested. Alicent held the reigns between her fingers in a loose grip.

"Im not a dragon rider."

"Yet you are riding a dragon. Thats an odd statement." Avalon corrected.

"Avalon you know what I mean." Alicent countered.

"I dont think i do." Avalon corrected again. "You are riding a dragon. That makes you a dragon rider." Alicent glanced back at avalon. "Come on. Live a little! Mouse wont steer you wrong just give it a shot." Alicent nodded and avalon tapped along mouses back and he took off faster this time. Alicent screamed gripping the reigns as her eyes pinched shut.

"Pull up." Avalon told her.

"Stop! Stop! Mouse stop!"

"Cant stop mid air." Avalon corrected. "We would fall."

"Avalon!" Alicent begged.

"Talk to Mouse. Hes a good listener."

"Slow down!" Alicent demanded tugging on the reigns and mouse seemed to huff his amusement as he slowed down. "That was terrifying."

"That was fun. You did great once you opened your eyes." Avalon corrected.

"You are making it up to me." Alicent decided.

"Any way in particular?" Avalon mused.

"You know what I like."

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now