66. Three Cookies

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Ages Aegon 10, Helaena 8, Aemond 7, Vaera 6, Jace 5, Luke 4

Alicent could've spent every morning for the rest of her life this way, curled up in Avalons arms. Alicents ear pressed to her chest, listening to the pitter patter of Avalons heart as her hand played in the ridges and valleys of chest and up her pregnant stomach. Alicent almost purred from the way she pet Alicent's hair between fisting the locks and tugging them just because she could, and she liked the way Alicent's skin broke out in goosebumps from the touch, as if she could so easily make her body react like that.

 Alicent once had the fear of being vulnerable because that meant letting someone in and Viserys terrified her at first but it was Avalon that made her see the good and that there could be a friendship. But she was glad that Avalon was theirs now because it meant Alicent never had to bed her husband again. 

"That doesnt sound right." Avalon corrected, Aegon groaned out as he stomped around the room. "Think, think harder my love."

"I'm thinking! You see!" Aegon pointed a finger at his head. "Thinking hard, can you see it?"

"No." Avalon corrected. "Come here." Aegon plopped down in her lap leaning back into her. "You need to roll your tongue when you say this, thats how you get the sound." Avalon demonstrated. Aegon tried to copy her and he sounded like he was drowning.

"Its too hot for studying." Aegon begged. "I'm Stud... dying!"

"Dramatic one he is, must get that from you." Avalon teased glancing back at Alicent.

"Me? Dramatic?" Alicent corrected.

"Please mother!" Aegon begged.

"I'm okay with a break if Avalon is." ALicent agreed.

"Yes, of course." Avalon agreed. "I have to pee again after all." She agreed getting up and waddling towards her chambers. "I swear it doesnt get any easier," avalon remarked running a hand over her stomach. Alicent smiled kissing her neck before taking her hand as they walked.

"You make it look easy."

"Mother only had three children. Died quickly after the third. What if im not to have any more children? What if-"

"Dont." Alicent begged. "Worrying will do you no good. You have delivered two children without any problems. This one will be no different."

But the bells sounded and Avalon's heart rate quickened. 

"What's that?" She demanded looking around. 

"Your graces come with me, the capital is-" Criston began. 

"My children!" Avalon shouted using all her energy and speed to get to where Vaera and Aemond were supposed to be. 

"Avalon-" Viserys demanded as she ran past. 

'My babies!" Avalon cried out. 

"Handle this situation Cole!" Viserys agreed following after Avalon. 

"Right away." Criston agreed glancing to a hesitant alicent as she looked to Aegon, he seemed almost paralyzed with fear. 

"What do we do?" Aegon questioned. 

"Where is Helaena?"

"In the gardens, playing with bugs." Aegon answered. 

"You two stay together shut the door-" Criston ushered them inside a room and Aegon clung to Alicent like a life line. 

"We are going to be okay." Alicent assured holding onto her son. 


"Mama its so loud!" Vaera declared covering her ears. "Whats going on?"

"Something no so good, take my hand." Avalon requested as the door flew open. Vaera screamed Aemond puked and Avalon felt her water break or maybe she just peed herself as a man dropped dead before them. 

"Hello your majesty."

"Oh God." Avalon put a hand on her stomach and look around for a weapon she ushered her children behind her. Viserys rose his hand up uselessly. He was never a fighter, but he would try to save his family. 

"Hello pretty, I start with you..."

"Don't hurt her. Who kills the woman first. That's just not right." Viserys offered.

"Who said anything about killing?" THe man chuckled. "But... You are right. Kill the king."

"Avalon run". Viserys demanded but she couldnt move as the man advanced on Viserys she grabbed a butter knife from the table.

"Always kill the girl first". Avalon corrected stabbing him through the ear. Must have pierced the brain because the fucker dropped as Harwin came in sword at the ready. Avalon turned back to Vaera and Aemond. Aemond was pale and Vaera was still screaming at the top of her little lungs. 

"Avalon are you alright?" Viserys questioned moving to her. 

"My water broke but we are alive. Harwin is..." She panted out doubling over her stomach cramping. "Alicent and... the children..."

"We need a maester!"  Viserys demanded. 

"The group of men that infiltrated have been handled your grace." Harwin assured. 

"And Rhaenyra and the boys?"

"Didnt get to that end of the castle it seems. We are going through and doing another full sweep just in case." Harwin added. 

"Thank you-"

"MAESTER! Avalon, come please." Viserys begged. 

"Where is Alicent?" Avalon countered. "Oh vaera love, its okay you are okay now honey. The bad men are gone." She assured. 

"I need extra cookies!" Vaera cried out. 

"Good idea." Avalon agreed through labored breaths. "You can get cookies while I get you a new sibling."

"Three cookies?" Vaera whimpered a big pout on her lips. 

"Three cookies." Avalon agreed. "Aemond-"

"Avalon you need-" Viserys begged. He didnt want to lose her because she was worried about everyone else.

"I'm okay mama." Aemond assured wiping at his lips. "I dont want cookies... my tummy hurts." 

"I will have his cookies." Vaera assured feeling better already as Harwin dragged the body away. 

"Okay, okay... is it okay if I-" Avalon panted out. Aemond nodded as Alicent appeared. 

"heavens!" Alicent declared. 

"Take care of the children. Vaera needs cookies and Aemond needs some water." Avalon remarked as Viserys ushered her down the hall. "And-"

"Avalon is having her baby, tell you have things under control." Viserys begged. 

"GO! I got it." Alicent assured. "Ser Criston will stay with us just in case."

"Three cookies, she isnt lying." Avalon added. Vaera smiled proudly. 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now